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Osipovichi Region Executive Committee

Almost 7.8 thousand children improved their health during the winter holidays in the Mogilev region

11 January 2023

“During the winter holidays, 278 day camps operated in the Mogilev region, in which almost 7.8 thousand children improved their health and had an interesting time,” experts said.

In order to make the holidays for children not only useful, but also interesting, an extensive program of events has been developed in the region. During the holidays, the guys visited various museums, cinemas. The work of health-improving and sports camps with day stay was also organized, various interest associations worked, both on the basis of educational institutions, and culture and sports. During the holidays, the children were able to get acquainted with the regional patriotic center, visit Mogilev and Minsk with excursions.

"Organization of meaningful leisure for children and adolescents, purposeful distraction of them from the aimless spending of free time, the formation of the need to lead a healthy lifestyle is one of the main tasks of educational, cultural and sports institutions of the Mogilev region, which is fully implemented during the holidays," - emphasized in Head Department for Education of the Mogilev Oblast Executive Committee.