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Osipovichi Region Executive Committee

Be an example and pride, or why Bobruisk schoolchildren want to go to the ministry of emergency situations

24 January 2023

Secondary school No. 28 in Bobruisk looks the most ordinary: classes from 1st to 11th, cozy rooms, a well-equipped gym and a large playground for sports outside. But still, this school differs in some ways from others in the city: there are two specialized classes in which boys and girls study Russian and English, as well as mathematics in depth. And these guys also wear the uniform of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and dream of connecting their lives with a noble and risky profession.

The school, as always, meets with the usual rumble: the kids are running somewhere in a crowd, discussing something on the go, high school students with a more serious look are standing with books and explaining something to each other. But the duty officers here today are not quite ordinary: four tall guys (it is immediately clear that the athletes, in the form of the Ministry of Emergency Situations) are responsible for order and meet parents and visitors. The kids look at them with delight, and adults too.

“These guys are our great pride,” says the director of the school Lyudmila Matyushonok . - Each such class is not similar to the previous one. All students in the classes are very bright and original personalities, with different views on life, hobbies and skills. But they are united by the dream of becoming employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. And each of these guys makes every effort to achieve their goal and make their cherished dream come true.”

The history of the creation of a thematic class on the basis of this school dates back to 2000, when a professional class "Prevention and elimination of emergency situations" appeared. In 2019, it was renamed the class of the fire and rescue direction with the study of the Russian language and literature, mathematics and a foreign language at an advanced level. Physical fitness is also important. Now there are two such classes in the Bobruisk school: 10th and 11th.

“Initially, the class was created for career guidance of students, but over time, its functions have expanded,” says Lyudmila Matyushonok. - Profile classes are formed from students who, upon completion of training and education at the II stage of education, have marks of at least 7 points in specialized subjects and an average score of a certificate of general basic education of at least 7 points. In addition, the guys probably began to better understand the specifics of training: this can be the first step on their professional path, help them achieve what they want and connect life with the service in the name of saving people.”

The children are especially proud, as the deputy director for educational work Elena Bondar noted, for the right to wear uniforms. “This obliges a lot, and the guys understand this well. They are an example for elementary school students who always look at them with delight. Our future rescuers understand that high demands are placed on them. This applies not only to successful studies, participation in competitions and olympiads, but also to citizenship. They set an example of patriotism, responsibility, the ability to help loved ones and be a reliable support, - says Elena Bondar. - We have teams of such classes, and guys from other schools also come. But here, not just a team is formed very quickly - they quickly become friends, almost a family, where everyone is for each other.

Training days for future employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations are very busy. In addition to the usual lessons, every day from Monday to Friday at 17.00 they have training in fire and rescue sports. As their curator and inspector for vocational training and sports of the Bobruisk city emergency department Andrey Ivinsky said , both boys and girls can attend classes. “Training is not in vain. We have good results, but there is always something to strive for. That is why the guys continue to work hard, - he shared. - I have been working with such specialized classes since 2014. My main task is to select future students of the University of Civil Protection of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, to make children savvy in matters of life safety. It is this direction that we study at electives.

In addition, as Andrey Ivinsky said, excursions to fire departments are organized for the children. Here the children can get acquainted with the equipment, see how the rescuers go on duty. “We try to tell and show them everything so that they have an objective idea of ​​what work in the Ministry of Emergency Situations is like,” he said. - But I want to say that schoolchildren are not afraid of difficulties. They consciously made their choice in favor of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and are doing their best to make their dream come true. And our task is to help them with this. But if it suddenly turns out that they failed to enter a specialized university, the knowledge gained in elective courses will be useful to them in life. They know how to act in emergency situations, whether it's a fire or when a person has fallen through the ice."

Another important element of training in a profile class is the oath. Now students of the 10th grade are actively preparing for this important event. “The guys are faced with the task of not only working out the elements of drill training and learning the words of the oath, but also preparing a concert on their own. For many, this is also a test, because not everyone has experience in public speaking,” says the deputy director.

But the tenth graders are sure that everything will go as it should, and therefore they are looking forward to the oath. As tenth grader Alina Vasilyeva said, since the 7th grade she dreamed of becoming a student of a specialized class. “I am proud to be in this class, wearing the uniform I have always dreamed of. In the future, I want to enter the University of Civil Protection of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. In my family, no one is associated with such work, but my family supported my choice. Together with me they worry and rejoice, they help. Of course, a profile class is a big load even without additional classes, every day is scheduled. To be in time, you need to strictly follow the schedule. I also do fire and rescue sports, training takes place after school, then home and for lessons. This approach is very disciplined, teaches you how to use every minute wisely,” she shared her plans. “This Ministry of Emergency Situations class for me is a small step on the way to my cherished dream.”

Together with her, Ivan Vasilevsky is studying in this class . The teenager leads an active social life - he is a member of the Youth Parliament at the Bobruisk City Council of Deputies. As they said at school, not a single event can do without it. “I wanted to wear a uniform. It gives not only a special status, but also a great responsibility. And I, as an active student, as a member of the Youth Parliament, must defend the honor of our school, be an example, - he said. - My dad and uncle are in power structures, and I always looked at them with delight, I also wanted to be like that. The Ministry of Emergency Situations is always associated with salvation, work for the benefit of people.”

11th graders have a busy schedule. Already, the guys understand that ahead is graduation, and then the long-awaited admission. Daria Lasotskaya shared that even fragile girls can handle being an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. “The employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations are not only rescuers, and therefore even a girl can find a job according to her strength. Personally, since the fifth grade, I dreamed of wearing this uniform. Even then I knew that the grades should be high, and therefore I tried with all my might to comply. I know that there is a serious competition in the UGZ, but the difficulties do not frighten me. The school gave me everything I needed to make my dream come true, my family supported me all along the way. The matter remains small, ”the schoolgirl smiles.

Her classmate Karina Orlovskaya shared that it would be a little sad to finish school - during this time the class has turned into a real family. “I looked at high school students in uniform from the first grade. All so beautiful. I really wanted to be the same,” she said. - Of course, to become worthy of this form, I had to work hard. But my academic performance was good, and therefore there was every chance of success. We have come a long way together, we have become friends, we have become a real team. And, of course, I really want us all to meet together already at the university.”

But graduate Roman Lyko hopes to create a new tradition in the family. “There is no one in my family yet who would be a lifeguard. But I want our family to have its own dynasty of rescuers. I am a student of a specialized class, I have been wearing the uniform of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for two years now, my brother plans to enter a specialized lyceum. It's great that I was able to set a worthy example for him, ”the student shared.

Roman said that the desire to become a lifeguard appeared when he was only six years old. “Then I was visiting my grandmother. And by coincidence, a fire broke out in our house. That's when I saw what they are - real heroes. We were evacuated, the house was extinguished, no one was hurt. But even though I was small, I was impressed by their work and courage for the rest of my life. Then, probably, I realized that when I grow up, I will become a rescuer, ”he shared.

For reference: similar profile classes work in 23 educational institutions of the Mogilev region - there are 34 of them in total. More than half a thousand schoolchildren study in them. Of these, 68 people have the right to wear uniforms during the educational process: 53 - in Bobruisk, another 15 - in secondary school No. 19 in Mogilev.