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Osipovichi Region Executive Committee

Belarus, China may expand agricultural cooperation

23 May 2012
MINSK, 23 May (BelTA) – Belarus and China are interested in expanding joint agricultural companies, BelTA learnt from the press service of the government. In 2010 Belarus and China launched joint production of combine harvesters (together with Gomselmash) and tractors (jointly with Minsk Tractor Works). Performance of the companies in 2011, their further prospects and development were discussed in a meeting between Belarusian and Chinese officials on 22 May. “China praises bilateral cooperation. Belarusian product is in stable demand,” the press service noted. In 2011 there were sold more than 400 maize and fodder harvesters, 50 tractors. The quality of the product is being constantly improved. The parties are expanding the assortment. “The profitable work of the companies let invest in their further development, expand production capacities and advance the product to the Chinese market,” the press service added. The whole lineup of the Belarusian-Chinese agricultural equipment will be showcased at the 23rd Harbin international trade and economic exhibition in June 2012.