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Osipovichi Region Executive Committee Osipovichi Region Executive Committee Avenue Of Heroes
Osipovichi Region Executive Committee

Campaign "Padara Expanat Museum" launched in Krychava

31 January 2023

The campaign “Padaras to the Museum of Expats” was launched by Patsemkin's palaces in Krychava, pavedamily in the establishment of culture. As an official museum, for hours old speeches, which build uncommon and extraordinary lives, you can become museum expanates. At the gift of a cultural institution, you can transfer old documents, fatagraphs, dzitsyachy tsatskі, household and household items, accessories, spartan inventory, musical instruments, badges, stamps, pashtoўki, utensils and many others. All these speeches dapamoguts raznastaіts i dapoўnyats ekspazіtsі, yakіya ўzho іsnuyts. Leather, who are expansive, get a certificate for a free visit to the museum. Additional information can be given by phone: 8 (02241) 23-386 , 8 (02241) 23-139 .