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Osipovichi Region Executive Committee

Joint ventures lead in Belarus-China trading relations

30 October 2012
MINSK, 30 October (BelTA) – The course of events shows that creation of joint companies is an efficient form of developing bilateral trade relations between Belarus and China, Vice Premier of Belarus Anatoly Tozik said at the 13th meeting of the Belarusian-Chinese intergovernmental commission on trade and economic cooperation in Minsk on 30 October. A number of joint ventures which are successfully operating in China have been set up with the participation of BelAZ, Gomselmash, Minsk Tractor Works and Minsk Wheeled Tractor Plant to assemble and provide technical maintenance of dump trucks with the Avik corporation, special-purpose equipment with Volat Xiang Jiang. According to the Vice Premier, these companies have gained strong footing on the markets of China’s provinces. Yet, they are still to increase the production volume, expand geography of supplies to other regions and outside the People’s Republic of China. The Vice Premier praised the dynamics of the trade between the two countries. In January-August 2012, the bilateral trade amounted to over $1.9 billion. Exhibition activities are also an important part of the Belarusian-Chinese cooperation. This year Belarus took an active part in major exhibitions held in China: 23rd Harbin International Economic and Trade Fair and the second China-Eurasia Expo.