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Osipovichi Region Executive Committee

Kazakhstan’s Friendship Club set up in Belarus

13 April 2012
MINSK, 13 April (BelTA) – The first meeting of the Friendship Club of Kazakhstan in Belarus took place in Minsk on 12 April, BelTA has learnt. The main objective of the club is to promote Kazakhstan-Belarus cooperation. The club was set up on the initiative of the Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Belarus to to support and strengthen the political, trade, economic, investment, cultural, humanitarian and sci-tech cooperation between Kazakhstan and Belarus. The club members are famous public figures, MPs, heads of large companies, scientists and rectors of universities, cultural figures and journalists. Chairman of the Council of the Republic’s permanent commission for regional policy and local government Gennady Novitsky has been elected Honorary President of the Club. Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Kazakhstan to Belarus Ergali Bulegenov has been named Chairman of the Club.