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Osipovichi Region Executive Committee

Maxim Рatapenka: the president's speech made me think about many

3 April 2023

Maxim Patapenka, foreman of the Goratsk district Council of the deputat, foreman of the regional organization of the RGA  " Belaya Rus " :

- The speech of the President was thought of by many. Topics taken and marked on the paslan are discussed ab their importance. Kіraўnіk dzyarzhavy gavarў ab sіtuatsyі, what kind of warehouse in our country. Yana is not a simple one and she sails to Belarus. Byada jump there, dze people themselves adchynyayutsya her doors. The real hegemon (ZShA) and Iago satellites are shying all over, if they want to take their sail to all the lands. The people of Ukraine do not want war and need to save everything, if there is to be peace. The bed of Vain is indispensable and the sisters at the table of Peramov without slack minds.

Sovereignty of the country, the minds of the pharmaceutical industry occupied the main month of the speeches of the President. Adzinstva people, zahavanne gіstarychnaya memory and zahavanne yago traditional, powerful and flexible economy, social justice in all spheres of life, independent foreign palіtyka and abaranazdolnasts kraіny - the eight main pillars of the sovereignty of the Republic of Belarus. And the most galoўnae, that the skin of us on our own practical months, at our own hut, dvary can be built all over, if we lived in a peaceful life, developed and looked at the future.