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Osipovichi Region Executive Committee

More than 100 medical workers will take part in the regional tournament on intellectual games in Мogilev

23 March 2023

On March 22, more than 100 participants will gather a tournament in intellectual games among youth teams of medical institutions in the region. Competitions are held for the prizes of the Mogilev Regional Committee of the Belarusian Trade Union of Health Workers.

The tournament will be held on the basis of the Mogilev Medical College. “Such events not only bring young people together and bring up a team spirit, but also give them the opportunity to reveal their creative and intellectual abilities,” said Veronika Hotamtsova, acting chairman of the regional committee of the Belarusian Trade Union of Health Workers . - I hope that over time the championship will become a traditional and expected event. The nearest plans of the branch trade union are to hold competitions in swimming, shooting and women's volleyball, to organize a tourist rally”.

The winners of the tournament will be awarded diplomas and cups.