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Lukashenko meets with coordinating council members in KGB jail

12 October 2020

On 10 October Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko met with members of the so-called coordinating council in the KGB detention center, BelTA has learned.

According to the Pool Pervogo Telegram channel, the head of state spent four and a half hours talking with the representatives of the council. “The president's goal was to hear the opinions of all. By a joint decision, the outcome of the talks was not disclosed,” the Telegram channel informed.

“You will not write the Constitution in the streets,” the president said talking to members of the coordinating council and the united staff.

Judging by the photo distributed by the Telegram channel, taking part in the meeting with the head of state were former head of Belgazprombank Viktor Babariko and his son Eduard, member of the presidium of the coordinating council, lawyer Lilia Vlasova and coordinator of the opposition staff Yuri Voskresensky.