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Pope conveys blessing to Belarusian people

4 October 2012
MINSK, 4 October (BelTA) - Pope Benedict XVI received Apostolic Nuncio in Belarus (Ambassador of the Vatican) Archbishop Claudio Gugerotti, BelTA learnt from the Roman Catholic Church (RCC) in Belarus. "During the meeting, the Pope asked about the latest developments in the country and gave his special blessing to the Catholics of Belarus and the Belarusian people,” the RCC said. As already reported, Pope Benedict XVI appointed Metropolitan of Minsk and Mogilev Archbishop Tadeusz Kondrusiewicz member of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace - Justitia et Pax, which is headed by Cardinal Peter Turkson. This agency was created by the Second Vatican Council, which was held in the 1960s. According to the documents of the Roman Catholic Church, “the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace aims to promote justice and peace in the world in the light of the Gospel and social doctrine of the Church". In addition, the council promotes relations with the international catholic organizations, collects information on human rights situation, etc.