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Osipovichi Region Executive Committee

Representatives of the youth parliament of the Osipovichi district visited the academy of public administration under the president

23 January 2023

Representatives of the Youth Parliament of the Osipovichi District visited the Academy of Public Administration under the President. The delegation included 22 representatives of the Youth Parliament under the Osipovichi District Council of Deputies and a promising personnel reserve of the Osipovichi District Executive Committee. Guys and girls not only looked into the university classrooms, but also tried themselves as students of the academy. Thus, the guests became participants in a simulated trial, visited an office simulating a polling station, and also took part in debates.

Such visits are necessary so that young people from the regions can get acquainted with the educational process of the institution, learn from the experience of organizing student self-government, rector Vyacheslav Danilovich is convinced:

- For example, the joint project of the Academy of Management and the Minsk City Executive Committee "Minsk Change", in which the youth of our capital propose ideas for improving the infrastructure of the city. This project can also be implemented at the regional level. In addition, almost 80 percent of our students are from other cities. Therefore, today, first of all, it is important to establish active interaction with young people from all regions of our country.

The Academy of Management has effectively built work with a promising personnel reserve, the rector added:

- For this purpose, the project of the Academy and the administration of the Oktyabrsky district of Minsk "Understudy" is being implemented. Within one working day, our students become full-fledged employees of the structural divisions of the administration. Thanks to this, they receive the necessary managerial experience and can feel the full responsibility of the public service. This project can be implemented in other cities as well.

Many of the meeting participants are preparing to take leadership positions soon. Vladislav Kozlov , editor of the online resource of the Osipovichsky Krai newspaper, among them:

- I was included in the personnel reserve of the district a few months ago, so it is interesting for me to delve into the intricacies of management activities. Visiting the academy is a unique experience. I was impressed by how the educational process is organized here.

But the first secretary of the Osipovichi district committee of the Belarusian Republican Youth Union Yuliana Varavko was interested in the debate:

- None of our delegation had previously attended such discussions, so the arguments were picked up on the go. We visited several classrooms and found out what kind of specialists are trained at the Academy of Management. I think there will be those among us who want to come here for part-time studies to improve their knowledge in the field of management.