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The winners of the international competition in memory of the writer Konstantin Simonov were awarded in Mogilev

26 January 2023

In Mogilev, the winners of the international literary competition “This is necessary - not dead! This is necessary - alive! ”, Dedicated to the Year of historical memory and the memory of Konstantin Simonov.

As the chairman of the Mogilev regional branch of the Union of Writers of Belarus Alexander Kazeko noted , the action and the competition of the same name have become very popular among young authors of Belarus and Russia, and the geography of the competition is expanding every year. This year, works were presented from almost every region of Belarus, as well as from Russian cities, including Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. According to Alexander Kazeko, the competition is still gaining momentum. This year, about 300 entries were submitted, of which 39 won. The age groups of the participants were divided as follows: from 14 to 21 years old, from 22 to 35 years old.

“We have expanded the scope of the competition. Now it is aimed at uniting the cultures of our peoples, creative forces, because we have the same roots and the same future. We are one family, brotherly people. This unity lies not only in our common history. We see the commonality of our aspirations and approaches, including in literature, - Alexander Kazeko emphasized. - In this vein, our event will develop. We will continue to look for common ground, to consider the problematic issues of Belarusian and Russian literature. We think that every year this conference will be held in its own way, so that there is no monotony, there is development.”

These days the chairmen of the Bryansk and Smolensk regional branches of the Writers' Union of Russia are also present in Mogilev. So, the chairman of the Smolensk regional branch Anastasia SamofraliiskayaShe said that she was on the jury of this competition. “I was a member of the jury of your competition, and at the same time we recently held a patriotic competition in Smolensk - the Isakovsky International Literary and Music Competition “Link of Generations”. We are also looking for young talents. I can say that you and we have very talented young people. It was difficult for me to judge creative works in this competition. It is especially difficult to evaluate children, because when they submit their work, everyone expects to win. I tried to find a peculiarity and originality in each work. And I succeeded! I didn't give a single low rating," she shared. - Certainly, both Belarus and Russia need such events. Recently, due to covid and other circumstances, the creative people of our countries rarely met, there were few opportunities to communicate.

Andrey Nikitin , chairman of the board of the Mogilev regional branch of the NGO "Belarusian Peace Fund", noted that this conference and creative competition will become significant for our peoples. “At this competition, creative works from Mogilev to Kamchatka were presented. The competition allows you to find out what the youth of Belarus and Russia think about friendship, patriotic and spiritual values ​​of our peoples, he said. - Analyzing their work, you understand that our future will be happy. With such youth, it cannot be otherwise.”

One of the winners of the literary competition was the tenth grader Anastasia Makarova . The schoolgirl said that the victory for her was a pleasant surprise. “In my work, I mentioned the work of Konstantin Simonov. It is written in prose. The task was not easy, because a lot was written about the life and work of Konstantin Simonov. But I tried very hard to find something original. My mother and grandmother helped me with advice. I was fascinated by the work on the text, she shared. - Of course, it's nice to be the first. But above all, such victories are very motivating to develop further, to try something new.”

International Literary Competition “It is necessary - not dead! This is necessary - alive! is held in accordance with the decision of the plenum of writers of Belarus and Russia, held in 2019. Summing up the results of the creative competition opens in the Mogilev region a series of events of the international conference “This is necessary - not dead! This is necessary - alive: Buinichskoe field - a field of memory. According to the plans, the delegation of writers from Belarus and Russia will visit museums and iconic places of the Mogilev region: Buinichskoye Pole, a memorial dedicated to the memory of the burned villages in the village of Borki, Kirovsky district, and others. The visit will end on January 26 with a plenary session. The international conference was organized by the Mogilev regional branch of the Union of Writers of Belarus with the support of the Mogilev regional branch of the NGO "Belarusian Peace Fund" and the Mogilev regional executive committee.