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Osipovichi Region Executive Committee

Türkiye is interested in Bobruiskagromash products

12 April 2023

Türkiye is interested in the products of Bobruiskagromash, the company said.

"Bobruiskagromash" was visited by a delegation from Turkey. The primary task was to build cooperative ties for the manufacture of products from casting.

“The meeting was held in a warm and hospitable atmosphere, the logistics department presented a video presentation of the enterprise with possible production capacities. The participants of the delegation, in turn, were offered drawings of the most critical positions,” the company noted.

The parties agreed on close and fruitful cooperation.

Bobruiskagromash Holding Managing Company OJSC is one of the largest manufacturers of agricultural machinery and equipment in Eastern Europe. The company has been operating in the agricultural machinery market since 1974. The product range includes more than 150 items. Today, the holding's equipment is supplied to more than 50 countries around the world.