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Osipovichi Regional Executive Committee
Main / News
2 October 2023

Belarus' Industry Ministry signs contracts worth $64m at INNOPROM. Qazaqstan

The total amount of documents (agreements, protocols, contracts) signed by enterprises of the Industry Ministry of Belarus on the sidelines of the INNOPROM. Qazaqstan international industrial forum is estimated at about $64 million, BelTA learned from the press service of the Industry Ministry.

The international forum was running in Astana on 25-27 September. Taking part in it were Belarus' industry giants, including MAZ, MTZ, Gomselmash, BKM Holding, BMZ, Mogilevliftmash, Kozlov Minsk Electrotechnical Plant, BATE, Atlant, Horizont, Integral, as well as Pozhsnab. The Belarusian delegation had a very busy schedule at the forum; the amount of documents they signed significantly exceeded expectations.

Deputy Industry Minister Dmitry Kharitonchik was part of the government delegation that visited Kazakhstan on 24-25 September. The delegation was led by Belarus' Prime Minister Roman Golovchenko. He took part in meetings and negotiations with the country's leadership.

The parties discussed the state and prospects for Belarus-Kazakhstan cooperation, including in the manufacturing industry. To be more specific, they explored the possibility of localizing the production of forest fire tractors, joint production of electric passenger vehicles, deepening the localization of assembly production of elevators, etc.

An agreement was reached to discuss these matters in greater detail with industrial enterprises.