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Osipovichi Regional Executive Committee
Main / News
7 March 2023

Civil-patriotic club "unity" in one of the schools of Mogilev united teachers and security officials

Raise real defenders

Civil-patriotic club "Unity" - a joint project with military personnel, police, the Investigative Committee and DOSAAF

Skydiving, karting, driving a motorcycle, disassembling a machine gun, hiking - for any teenager, such a drive is just a dream. And this is only a small part of the training program in the new school club. The idea to create a civil-patriotic club "Unity" in the newest school No. 46 in Mogilev was not born out of nowhere. High school students here can choose to study in a legal class under the auspices of the Investigative Committee, and the Future Warrior camp operates on the basis of military unit 72471 in Pashkovo. Within walking distance is the Mogilev flying club. The solemn ceremony of joining the club for the first 20 students took place in February. The patriotic club was headed by the head of military-patriotic education at the school, Ivan Aleshkevich .

The young teacher is 23 years old, looks not much older than his students, so he easily manages to establish a dialogue with the guys. A new position - the head of military-patriotic education - has appeared in schools since the last academic year. Ivan Aleshkevich is sure that the program of classes at the club is the dream of any boy:

We will work in cooperation with the military, police, DOSAAF, the regional department of the Investigative Committee. With teenagers, you can’t just impose your views from the position that we are older. You can't force yourself to be a patriot. I have been working as the head of military-patriotic education for a few months, but I can already say from experience that the guys are convincingly influenced by the uniform, the stories of those who, in their service, are tested by fire and fight crime. We go to open days in the military unit, on excursions to the Security Center of the Ministry of Emergencies, investigators, juvenile inspectors come to us to conduct classes with the guys. Recently, the guys competed with contract soldiers from the military unit at the sports festival "Good fellows."

Acquaintance with the first members of the school club confirmed the words of the teacher. Every one of the young men and women with whom it was possible to talk named the following as their future professions: a military man, a police officer, an investigator, a rescuer.

Ivan Klimov from 9 "G" plans to enter the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs:

- I joined the club because it's just a dream of any guy - they will teach us how to drive motorcycles, I would like to jump with a parachute.

Daniil Grekov from 10 "A" also plans to enter the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs:

- My dream is to become an investigator. I'm in a legal class. Physical fitness is very important to me. In the civil-patriotic club we will go hiking, get acquainted with weapons in the military unit.

Ninth-grader Valery Timoshenko dreams of becoming a military man:

- My father is a soldier, and my mother is a platoon commander at a cadet school. And my grandfathers devoted their lives to the army, so I probably have such a vocation in my blood - to defend the Motherland.

The first bell at School No. 46 in Mogilev rang a couple of years ago. It was built in a new microdistrict: bright new buildings and the high-tech school itself look modern and comfortable. The school has two swimming pools, gyms, halls for volleyball, mini-football, a shooting range, a hockey rink - a good sports base for a patriotic club. At a sports festival with an invited team from the military unit, high school students were pleasantly pleased, who easily squeezed out a 16-kilogram weight, dismantled a machine gun for speed, and arranged races in gas masks. And their teacher Ivan Aleshkevich was on the jury:

- When I was at school, we did not have a teacher in military-patriotic education, and in vain. I entered the army unprepared. He served in the border troops, even detained violators. A real man is a defender of the Motherland. And it all starts with whether the young man asks the question: “What am I ready to do for the Motherland?” This is impossible if he does not take pride in the heroism of his ancestors. On the Day of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan, we suggested that the children ask their parents if there were internationalist soldiers in their family. And someone for the first time wondered about their roots, became interested in history.

By diploma, Ivan Aleshkevich is a teacher of the Belarusian language and literature. His favorite poem is Rygor Borodulin's "You need to be at home for a while".

I myself come from the village of Chirvonaya Dubrava, Kopyl district , - a young teacher talks about the foundation of patriotic education. - From prose, I really like “People in the Swamp”. Ivan Melezh was able to pick up such words that they became for the whole nation a code of genetic memory and an answer to the age-old questions: “Who are we? Where? Where we are going?" It is symbolic that the Unity Club was created in the Year of Peace and Creation. One of the guests at the grand opening of our club suggested as a motto: "When we are united, we are invincible!" And this is the key concept of the club: it is for the sake of maintaining peace and prosperity of the native country that everyone should feel ready to defend the interests of their people.