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Osipovichi Regional Executive Committee
Main / News
15 August 2023

Cucumber jams, tinctures and cakes – tasty and crunchy “cucumber day” was held in Shklov

Lightly salted and cask cucumbers, jam, cucumber tinctures and cakes, cucumber farmsteads, even a photo zone where a frame for photo shoots is decorated with crispy green vegetables... The district holiday "Cucumber Day - 2023" was held in Shklov.

The summer harvest festival began with a concert “Shklou vytae, you ask for a holy gurka!”, pleased with a gastro-fest, delicious themed farmsteads, including competitive ones for “the most original cucumber farmstead”. Here they chose the "Best Dish of the Cucumber Feast", "The Most Original Cucumber Composition", an exhibition-fair of arts and crafts.

Shklov has long been called the cucumber capital. According to written sources, the first mention of the fact that delicious crispy vegetables are grown here dates back to the 16th century. The first regional holiday "Cucumber Day" was organized in the regional center in 2006, and in 2007 a bronze cucumber sculpture was installed in Shklov, which became a kind of talisman and one of the visiting cards of the city.

- The harvest festival attracts not only gourmets, there is always a lot of music and creativity here, - emphasizes the methodologist of the Mogilev Regional Methodological Center for Folk Art and Cultural and Educational Work Yulia Astapkina . - This time, on the basis of the Shklov gymnasium, the competition of vocal art "Zorny Krai" was held, in which creative teams and individual performers of the district institutions took part. The gala concert “Sing, folk soul!” with the participation of the vocal and instrumental ensemble "Musical Portal", creative teams of the Belynichi region.

The summer harvest festival in Shklov attracts guests and tourists from all over the Mogilev region. To immerse yourself in the atmosphere of a funny holiday, taste fragrant pickles, take with you a good mood, a jar or two of delicious crispy cucumbers and a couple of unique Shklov recipes.