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Osipovichi Regional Executive Committee
Main / News
18 August 2023

100 hectares in a few days. How pupils of the Vyšov school work in the summer in the local economy

Work for Motherland

In the Vyshovskaya secondary school of the Belynichsky district, the Zadorinka labor and recreation camp has been operating since August 1. The friendship between the educational institution and the SPK "Kolkhoz Rodina" has been going on for many years - high school students help the farm in the fields, in the garden, in construction teams. There are so many people who want to enroll fighters in the squad according to the competition. This season, 45 children from 8th to 11th grades were sent to help Rodina for three weeks. Schoolchildren know that if they work well, they will earn well.

The field near the village of Lichinka, where cereals are earing, is hard to look at. The boys and girls will have to cover these 100 hectares in a few days. The task is simple, but very responsible - specific weeding. On a field with wheat, triticale breaks through here and there. It must be removed so that the technique can compress the already pure culture, which will be used for seeds. The guys spread out evenly across the field - you can not miss a single section. Ninth-grader Maxim Linevsky in the camp for the first time. But sister Yana from the eleventh - experienced, in the "Zadorinka" for the first time:

- Always bring a cap, a backpack with water. In the field from 09:00 to 13:00, so you need to somehow cool off. The work is simple, and when you communicate, joke, time flies by unnoticed. On the first day after the camp, the whole company went to the river. Cool rest after a hard day!

Yana does not spend the money earned from previous shifts - she will suddenly need it for something necessary. Brother Maxim also thinks rationally:

- Last year I didn’t get into the camp, I didn’t fit the age yet. I was lucky in this: first, after school, I was in the construction team - I also helped the collective farm, then in the construction team, now in the camp.

- Don't you feel sorry for spending the summer like this? - I'm interested.

– I have time to work and hang out with my friends. In addition, you can save money, - Maxim answers.

The schedule in the camp is as follows: in the morning, pupils have breakfast at school, after which the bus of the agricultural enterprise takes them to the site. Children are in the field or garden until lunch, then again meals at school, and then outdoor games and competitions. Have an afternoon snack at 16:00 and go home.

The history teacher of the Vishovskaya school Vladimir Chuzhavko has been with students in the fields for several years now:

– Only motivated teenagers work in the camp. Our children are accustomed to work, they do not want to sit on the neck of their parents. Two years ago, the guy worked for me in the construction team. He received a salary and borrowed the missing amount from his mother to buy himself a laptop.

In less than three weeks, high school students earn about 300 rubles. Who tries, will receive bonuses. Many will give the earned money to the family, someone will buy things for the school. Girlfriends Diana Popova and Anya Demidova from the 11th grade, for example, spent their salary from the last shift on a hobby. Diana says:

- I draw, I needed paints and brushes. Anya embroiders, she also bought kits for creativity. And also collections on CT, school subjects. It's great that we can buy all this ourselves. No need to burden your parents. It's fun in the camp: they did part of the work, took a break. We'll discuss all the news, it's already time to return for lunch.

While we are talking, the boys from the 11th grade decide to cool off - they start pouring water on a friend. Agronomist of the SPK Kolkhoz Rodina Vasilisa Petrovskaya , who monitors the quality of the work performed, does not scold the guys for petty pranks:

“Children are very responsible. It happens that they can indulge, but then they are included in the process again. Look: we pass about 20 hectares a day, and this field is five times larger. The agricultural sector has very good equipment, but no machine can do this kind of work.

The grain is selected, so it is important that it is clean. And schoolchildren are the first assistants for us.

By the way, Vyshov's schoolchildren also work at Rodina's grain stock. This format of interaction solves several important tasks at once: employment, financial incentives for students. And the most important thing is vocational guidance: 70 percent of the employees of the SEC are graduates of the Vishovskaya school! It is quite possible that in a few years we will meet the current 11th graders again on the farm, only this time as young specialists.


During the two months of the summer vacation in the Mogilev region, 116 labor and recreation camps were operating, where about 1,700 children visited. Of these, 180 schoolchildren are on shift in round-the-clock camps, the rest are in day camps. Labor and recreation camps have been formed in all districts of the region. Basically, the guys worked in agricultural enterprises, forestries, at housing and communal services and were engaged in weeding, planting trees and shrubs, and repair work. It is assumed that about 2,000 schoolchildren will visit camps of this type in the region over the summer.