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Osipovichi Regional Executive Committee
Main / News
16 June 2023

Engaged in fodder procurement, JSC "Polykovichi" is simultaneously implementing a regional investment project

Rational Calculation Approach

Solving the current problems of fodder procurement, OAO "Polykovichi" of the Mogilev region is simultaneously implementing a regional investment project for the reconstruction of unused buildings.

The number one task for farmers today is to quickly complete the first grass mowing. The lack of moisture significantly affected the harvest: less feed is harvested than planned. In the Mogilev region, the algorithm is as follows: analyze the herbage, remove it in time, if necessary, sow annual grasses. This principle is adhered to in OJSC "Polykovichi" of the Mogilev region, where more than 65 percent of the grasses have already been harvested by the first cut. It is planned to cover the lack of green mass with annual grasses and create a solid fodder reserve. More than 5.3 thousand farm animals need to be provided with feed. By next year, the number of livestock at the agricultural enterprise will increase: the unused pig farm will be reconstructed into a site for cattle.
The perfect herbal cocktail

In JSC "Polykovichi" forage harvesting started in early June. Every day there are two mowers, two forage harvesters and transport equipment in the fields. They work almost non-stop. The director of the agricultural enterprise Alexei Shuplyakov gives a calculation of the mowing:

- To provide ourselves with the necessary amount of feed, it is necessary to prepare 19.5 thousand tons of haylage, 30 thousand tons of silage and a thousand tons of hay. Today we have 100 tons of hay, 4.5 thousand tons of haylage. Due to the drought, the harvest is not what we would like to see: there is a shortage of green mass. But what we have, we have. So now you need to remove everything in time. We are finishing the seeded herbs and moving on to the meadow ones. This week the first mowing should be completed. By the way, annuals were sown on an area of 380 hectares. Now hope for favorable weather.

Everything that needed to be done in terms of technology was done on the farm: they sowed, fed, approached the harvest on time. 1,400 hectares are allocated for grass in Polykovichi, of which 900 are sown, the rest are meadow. In terms of nutritional value and yield, the former, of course, give a greater yield of protein energy. The agricultural enterprise focuses on legume-cereal mixtures: alfalfa with rump, clover with festulolium. The structure of grass mixtures, by the way, is recommended by scientists of the SPC of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for agriculture, with whom the agronomic service of the economy works closely.
Grigory Norov, an experienced machine operator, has been on the farm for 18 years, has been working in the mower since the first days, says:

- I finish harvesting the seeded herbs, then I turn to the meadow ones. This year the heat has failed, there is no rain. And so the herbs would be good. On the field from seven in the morning until late. It all depends on the weight of the crop. It turns out to mow under 50 hectares per day. By the way, I have been on the braid for the seventh year. Before that, he plowed, when he went sowing, he also connected. There are many technological challenges. After harvesting the grasses, I will be busy at the autumn sowing season: again on the tractor - and I went.

New objects - plus for milk

"Polykovichi" will soon expect a large construction site. The buildings of the former pig farm will be reconstructed for the maintenance of a dairy herd. The project was included in the regional investment program, and the relevant documentation is being prepared.

— Renovation of four sheds is planned, — Alexey Shuplyakov explains. The buildings are strong, but the equipment is outdated. Therefore, a decision was made on reconstruction: the “internal” will be replaced, the milking parlor will be completed. It is envisaged that in August 2024 the facility will be put into operation.

The start of the work of the renovated livestock site, calculated, will increase milk production. And it is indexed into money: plus 7,000 rubles of revenue daily. In a month, respectively, about 200 thousand rubles. Plus we have involvement in the turnover of unused property. The task for the near future is to fill the new complex with livestock. The Polykovichi are already thinking about this. A plan has been developed, based on which the occupancy will be phased. It is necessary to prepare cattle for the launch of barns, respectively, by the next year it is necessary to produce heifers. The new facility will be designed for 450 dairy herds.

Another issue that has already been resolved is the construction of new haylage trenches. There were none on the former pig farm. For the needs of the future livestock, such facilities are necessary. Employees of Belynichi PMK No. 241 are making the final touches - they are treating the walls and floor with mastic. Three trenches for 2,000 tons each, for a total of 6,000 tons of fodder, were built at the expense of the regional budget. The site will be used for the second mowing.

Another trench near the village of Kupely was built by Polykovichi OJSC using the resources of the farm. In December last year, the region allocated reinforced concrete structures. Their assembly and installation was carried out by the construction team of the agricultural enterprise. Thus, the farm has a total of four sites for storing 8,000 tons of feed.


More than 2 million tons of silage and 1.7 million tons of haylage must be harvested to ensure the work of the livestock industry in the Mogilev region, taking into account the first and second cuttings. As of yesterday morning, 60 percent of the grasses of the first cut were cut in the region on an area of 117.4 thousand hectares.