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Osipovichi Regional Executive Committee
Main / News
28 June 2023

Enterprises of the mogilev region strengthen cooperation with china

Keeping the course towards market diversification as the basis of a balanced foreign economic strategy is an important characteristic of the global economic trend, which is relevant not only for the country's economy as a whole, but also for the regions. Along with the main trade and economic partner - the Russian Federation - enterprises of the Mogilev region are now actively considering non-CIS countries, primarily the Middle East and China, as counterparties.

For enterprises of the Mogilev region, the People's Republic of China has become one of the main trading partners. If in 2022 the share of China in foreign trade turnover among countries outside the CIS was 16 percent, then in the first quarter of this year it was 22.9 (trade turnover is $41.4 million, which is 110.1 percent compared to the same period in 2022).

Recently, a partnership agreement was signed between the Mogilev region and the Chinese city of Tianjin, with a population of more than 14 million people. In May, the days of the Mogilev region were held in Tianjin, under the auspices of which the business forum "Tianjin - Gateway to China" and an exhibition and presentation of the products of the region's enterprises were held. As a result of the events, the parties signed a number of agreements aimed at expanding trade and economic cooperation between the regions. In addition, in February, the Mogilev Regional Executive Committee and the Chinese company Citic Construction Co., Ltd, which is a subsidiary of China's largest state-owned financial corporation Citic Group, signed an agreement on the implementation of an investment project for the production and processing of livestock products in the Mogilev region.

The main export positions of Mogilev enterprises, which are in demand in China, are not only food products (poultry meat, frozen beef, milk and cream), but also timber and woodworking materials.

It is worth noting the expansion of partnerships between institutions of higher education and educational institutions of the Mogilev region and China.

A Center for Chinese Language and Culture has been opened at Moscow State University named after A. A. Kuleshov. The work of the center shows a stable demand among students and residents of Mogilev for the study of the Chinese language, traditions and culture. Of great interest are various educational and cultural events organized by the center. Language internship programs are being actively implemented on the basis of Chinese partner universities, including online.

With the active support of the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Belarus and the Confucius Center at BNTU, the Center for Chinese Language and Culture has also been established and successfully operates on the basis of the Belarusian State Agricultural Academy. During its existence, more than 300 people have been trained in it.

And there are new horizons of cooperation ahead. This year, joint events are planned with the provinces of Hunan and Shanxi, timed to coincide with the fifth anniversary of the conclusion of cooperation agreements. Days of Henan province in the Mogilev region will be the main event in the framework of the already 20-year partnership. Of course, this is a continuation of the work on promoting the products of Mogilev region enterprises, which are loved by the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire, to the Chinese markets.