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Osipovichi Regional Executive Committee
Main / News
3 February 2023

"Everyone's Business": trade unions of the Mogilev region launched an initiative for the year of peace and creation

In the Mogilev region, the public initiative "Everyone's Cause", dedicated to the Year of Peace and Creation, has started. The regional organization of the Belarusian Trade Union of Workers of Local Industry and Public Utilities is engaged in its implementation, said Pavel Zhuikov , chairman of the sectoral structure .

The initiative contains a powerful patriotic message and will be carried out in various directions. The format of participation in it is not limited to specific events. In one case, these may be actions to restore order and improve facilities associated with the heroic pages of the Great Patriotic War, significant events in the life of a particular region or republic, famous fellow countrymen. In the other - activities aimed at familiarizing members of labor collectives with the history and culture of their native land through tourism or local history work. In addition, the participants of the initiative are aimed at holding meetings with veterans of enterprises and youth, creating thematic corners and mini-museums in organizations.

"The cause of everyone" is an opportunity for primary trade union organizations, all members of the branch trade union to make a feasible contribution to the common cause of peace and creation, Pavel Zhuikov emphasized. - After all, the Year of Peace and Creation is a clear evidence of the maturity of our society, a kind of crowning of the trilogy of the Year of the Small Motherland, the Year of National Unity and the Year of Historical Memory. It is designed to combine the accumulated experience, as well as specific deeds and undertakings on the topics of each of the past years.