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Osipovichi Regional Executive Committee
Main / News
18 September 2023

FEZ Mogilev plans to attract 495 million euros of investment and create more than 650 new jobs

The Mogilev FEZ administration is working on a number of promising investment projects with a total investment of 495 million euros and the creation of more than 650 new jobs.

The development of any region is impossible without investment. At the state level, it is necessary to create conditions for any investor, domestic or foreign, to feel equally confident. There are a number of tools available for this purpose. And the free economic zone is one of them, said Ruslan Strahar, Deputy Chairman of the Mogilev Regional Executive Committee:

– The example of the FEZ "Mogilev "shows that private businesses and foreign investors still consider the location of the Republic of Belarus, Mogilev region, and the free economic zone" Mogilev " as a place for investment. It is also an indicator for us that even during the crisis, not a single foreign investor not only stopped working, but also did not attempt to withdraw their capital. Our investors continue to invest all their earnings in the development of their production facilities. And this allows them, including in times of crisis, to be able to reorient themselves and use the accumulated stock just to overcome these crisis phenomena.

Residents of the Mogilev Free Economic Zone make a significant contribution to the development of the territory. For example, they account for more than 50 percent of all exports of Mogilev oblast. As for attracting foreign investment, FEZs account for more than 70 percent of them.

– It is also important that all residents of the Mogilev Free Economic Zone, without exception, significantly exceed the regional average in terms of wages. This means that the investor, taking advantage of benefits and preferences, not only seeks to earn money, but also to direct an additional part of the profit received to pay their employees, " Ruslan Strakhar added.

By the way, the Mogilev FEZ administration is working on a number of promising investment projects. Thus, it is planned to create a bleached chemical and thermomechanical mass production facility for 200 jobs with a declared investment of 250 million euros. Kronospan OSB LLC plans to build a plant for the production of layered plastics. 100 people will be employed there, and the investment volume will amount to 90 million euros. Another project is the production of hydrogen peroxide in the FEZ "Mogilev" with a capacity of 20 thousand tons per year) with the volume of declared investments, as well as the creation of the production of sodium chlorate. A major project is the creation of a high-tech greenhouse complex for growing roses indoors with a declared investment of 10 million euros at the first stage of the project, with subsequent expansion to 30 million euros and the number of new jobs for 200 people.