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Osipovichi Regional Executive Committee
Main / News
2 May 2023

Fpb named jsc "Mozhelit" the laureate of the award in the field of labor

To the question “Why did the Federation of Trade Unions choose you as laureates of the labor award?” JSC "MOGELIT" declares without false modesty: "Deserved. We deserve it."

The image of uniqueness has been attached to the Mogilev enterprise from the moment of its foundation. On the one hand, the fact that the plant is the leading producer of gelatin in the CIS and the only one in the EAEU gives cause for pride, on the other hand, it obliges us to keep the bar high.

Work and care

The leadership and the trade union committee, acting together, give no reason to doubt the stable status of the enterprise. For example, in 2018, MOGELIT won the competition for the best collective agreement among agribusiness organizations. And two years ago, for the high results of work in 2016-2020, he was listed on the Republican Board of Honor.

- We have our own canteen, sports complex, first-aid post, - says the chairman of the trade union committee Elena Pavlova . – Every year we provide all employees with vitamins and medicines. We try to make our veterans and pensioners feel like an integral part of a friendly team.

2200 tons per year

- The construction of the plant lasted 8 years, - says the director of OAO "MOGELIT" Vikenty Yermalenok . “Today, our products are used in the food, confectionery, pharmaceutical and printing industries, and in 1937 we were producing glue-gallert, dry tile adhesive and bone meal.

The success of OAO "MOGELIT" the manager connects with the ability to maintain true values ​​in work, as well as with the conscientiousness of the team. Here they say this: “If a person stays with us for at least six months, be sure that he will go with us to the end.”

The director himself confirms this pattern with a personal example - once he came here as a young specialist. For more than 30 years, Vikenty Bronislavovich has been at the head of the plant, and more than once he had to make crucial decisions for the enterprise. Here you have the collapse of the Soviet Union, and the dashing 1990s, and the competitive 2000s - as unnecessary, goods went down in history (for example, adhesive-coated film tape, which was stamped here in hundreds of rolls, was replaced by ordinary adhesive tape), equipment was hopelessly outdated.

Vikenty Yermalyonok acted quickly and decisively. For example, with the help of local technologists and designers, he began to create equipment - this is how his own drying machine appeared, which had no analogues. The head curtailed the work of one workshop, expanded another, he even managed to purchase and launch a technological line for the production of gelatin from the Baltic Plant (St. Petersburg), which specialized in the production of submarines. By the way, the line, designed by the military and made of food-grade stainless steel, still works flawlessly 20 years later.

Thanks to timely and regular technical re-equipment, the enterprise has reached the world level. Today, 2,200 tons of products are produced here per year, and the motto “The hostess has only one friend - Mogilev gelatin” is well known far beyond the borders of the country - both in neighboring Russia and Poland, and in distant Japan and Vietnam.