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Osipovichi Regional Executive Committee
Main / News
9 March 2023

How rental housing helps anchor youth in remote areas

We dance from the "square"

Rented housing is a good incentive to secure young professionals in the Glusk district

Coming to a remote area and staying - what can help a young person make such a decision? First of all, housing. A few months ago, after a major overhaul, a three-story rental house was handed over in Glusk. A third of the apartments are for young professionals, among the top priority are representatives of law enforcement agencies and doctors. Thanks to a recent presidential decree, they have a great chance of becoming owners of their own apartment for free.

Once on Kirova Street in Glusk, we were kindly impressed from the very beginning. Instead of standard metal doors to the entrance to the rental house, they have glass doors, more familiar to some Scandinavian landscape. Of the 33 apartments, 10 are one-room, 20 are two-room, and 3 are three-room. Initially, 10 of them were allocated for young professionals. At the end of November, three nurses from the district hospital, a laboratory assistant at the center of hygiene and epidemiology, a teacher at the art school, an employee of PMK No. 249, a forensic expert and an inspector at the ROChS received the keys at the end of November. A policeman and two firefighters settled in 3 apartments reserved for those serving in the authorities. The house itself was built in Glusk on Kirov Street in 1973 as a dormitory and stood mothballed for more than ten years. An empty building in the center of Glusk in 2019 was examined by specialists and came to the conclusion that that it can be repaired. The Mogilev Regional Executive Committee allocated 3,227,000 rubles from the funds received from the provision of rental housing for the reconstruction.

We stopped by to visit young specialists - employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Each of the friends received a spacious two-room apartment for rent. Master rescuer of the Glusk District Department of Internal Affairs Leonid Ermolaev is a native of the local village of Dubrova. He graduated from the Soligorsk Mining and Technical College, studies in absentia at the University of Civil Protection of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. For a fairly short period of service, the young man already has on his account the salvation of a man from a burning house in the village of Makovichi.

“I began to settle in the new apartment right away, hung chandeliers and cornices, moved the furniture,” he says. I am from a large family, I have two older sisters. A separate apartment with a modern renovation at the age of 21 - isn't it great? Of course, the plans are to study further, to get an officer's position.

His colleague Konstantin Lugin is from the agricultural town of Letnoye. He is only 20 years old. Before, he came to work in the regional center from his parents' house, but now he is getting used to independence. He says that the conditions are very good: the rent is about 40 rubles a month.

Sheyrona Shilovaite , a 19-year-old laboratory assistant of the Glusk District Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology, also has a separate apartment . A girl at the age of 3, together with her parents, moved from the Lithuanian capital to Mogilev. She graduated from the Mogilev Medical College with a degree in medical diagnostics, distribution in Glusk for 3 years. There were many fears, but they did not come true.

“It’s very quiet here, it’s cozy,” she admitted . - Calm rhythm of life, without noise and fuss, like in a big city. I liked the people, more open and friendly. I like the renovation in the new apartment, and you can walk to work in just ten minutes.

At work, everyone supported her, but above all, her mentor Olga Timchenko, the head of the laboratory department, a laboratory doctor. Once Sharona forgot to turn off the alarm system at work - it worked. The crew of the Security Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs came to the call, among the policemen was her future fiancé. So there was another reason to stay in Glusk.

Much depends on the leader. Dmitry Timchenko , chief physician of the Glusk regional CGE, understands perfectly well what it means to be a young specialist. He himself was a native of Bykhov, but according to the distribution 17 years ago he was sent to Glusk, and immediately to a leadership position. He started with a dorm room, later built a house and became his own in a new place.

“The main thing is to take care of housing and life, to make it as comfortable and interesting for a young person to work as possible,” he notes . “It is the foundation on which life is built.

The issue of the availability of medical workers, including paramedical staff, is not idle for many regions. "SG", for example, has already written about the problem of providing medical care to pregnant women and women in childbirth in the Glubokoe region. It so happened that our business trip coincided with the arrival in Glusk of the chief sanitary doctor of the Mogilev region, Svetlana Nechai.

“We pay special attention to the topic of personnel, we take measures to secure them in the regions,” notes Svetlana Vladimirovna . - Among other organizational issues and the target direction. Target training of 61 specialists is currently underway in two medical universities for the sanitary and epidemiological services of the region. Every year 5-6 target students graduate, approximately 70 percent of young specialists. The retention rate of young specialists in regional centers is about 80 percent. Dear each of them. We try to create comfortable conditions. For five years, 28 apartments have been allocated. There are well-appointed hostels. Wages have gone up twice in the past year.

The specialist noted that young people still do not have many allowances: for example, there is no qualification category, and accordingly, there is no payment for it. But at the same time, they more successfully master informatization and digitalization in the process of work. Therefore, it is necessary to provide them with good working conditions, computers, automated workplaces.

“We also actively use the zonal principle of work: with the help of videoconferencing, training and exchange of experience take place,” added Svetlana Nechay. - Relevant and mentoring.

Recall that the consolidation of the norms regarding rental housing by the Presidential Decree was discussed at a meeting with the Head of State on December 6 last year. “Provision of housing for state employees and especially people who defend Belarus, especially at the present time, will always be a priority of the state housing policy,” the President noted then. “I have repeatedly stressed that those with many children and people in uniform are our top priorities, even super-top priorities.”


Who will get the meters for free?

Recently, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko signed a decree establishing the procedure and conditions for the transfer of ownership to military personnel and persons equated to them, including employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the KGB, the Civil Procedure Code and other departments, provided to them in rental housing. The document provides that such housing is transferred free of charge to the property if there are 25 calendar years of service in military service. If there are 20 calendar years of military service, it is transferred on a reimbursable basis - with the possibility of paying its cost in installments up to 15 years.

The Decree also provides for additional social and legal guarantees for servicemen and members of their families. So, for military personnel with a length of service of 20 calendar years and transferred to the reserve, who do not want to acquire occupied rental housing as property, the right to own and use this housing is retained with the possibility of extending the lease until their living conditions improve. The family members of a serviceman who died in connection with the performance of his duties will be transferred to the ownership of the rental housing occupied by them free of charge, regardless of length of service. The family members of a serviceman who died for other reasons during the period of military service retain the right to own and use rental housing on the same terms until they improve their living conditions.

The decree applies to military personnel and persons equated to them serving in the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the KGB, the State Military Commission, the Security Service of the President of the Republic of Belarus, the Operational and Analytical Center under the President of the Republic of Belarus, the State Control Committee, the central offices of the Investigative Committee and the GKSE, as well as in organizations included in the data system of state bodies or subordinate to them.