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Osipovichi Regional Executive Committee
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14 July 2023

If you don’t know how to do anything, they will teach you:fighters of the construction team from Shklov shared their impressions of the third labor

To change - with a song

To visit a real construction site, and also to do something there with your own hands - isn't this the dream of every teenage guy? Students of the Shklovsky State College as part of the construction team "Nastroy" named after the Hero of Socialist Labor S.N. The fighters shared their impressions after several weeks spent at the construction site.

The team of the detachment is purely male, says the fighter of "Nastroy" Alexander Kazebrodsky :

– We work from Monday to Friday from 12:00 to 16:00. Busy only four hours a day. The schedule is very convenient: there is free time to spend it with friends and relax. In college I master the specialty of a bricklayer, so I know the basic skills that a builder should have. But still every day I learn something new, I gain experience. To become a professional in your field, you need to constantly practice. In student groups, everyone has such an opportunity.

For Alexander, “Nastroy” is not only an opportunity to earn money for what you want, but also, in a sense, a school of life:

- Every guy should at least once visit a construction site and participate in the construction of a building. In order to be useful at the facility, no special skills or serious physical training are needed. The main desire. Even if you don’t know how to do anything, experienced builders will prompt and teach you how to properly lay tiles or beat off the floor level. These skills will come in handy in the future. A man needs to be able to use tools to build his house.

Commissioner Sergei Kachanov is not the first time at a construction site. Last year, the guy already worked in the student brigade. The key to success in any business is the right mood and motivation, Sergey is sure:

“Most of the guys came here to earn money and learn something new. It is nice to realize that I have a hand in the construction of a socially significant object. Who knows, maybe I or my relatives will someday get help in this hospital. Then we can proudly say with the guys: “We built it!” Our detachment is called "Nastroy" for a reason. Before each work shift, we turn on fun music to recharge. I am sure: a fighting mood helps to work productively. I myself always try to be positive, to set an example for other fighters.

The detachment employs 17 college students. There is enough work for everyone, the commissioner shares his observation:

- There are many tasks at the construction site, no one sits idle: we dismantle walls and floors, load building materials, remove garbage. Joint work quickly rallied us, we became one team with the guys. I think next year, newcomers will apply again during the working summer and bring friends with them.