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Osipovichi Regional Executive Committee
Main / News
12 May 2023

In the farm "Diana"of the Shklovsky district, the most modern technologies are used in growing potatoes

Furrows under the ruler

In the farm "Diana" of the Shklovsky district, where every second ton of potatoes in the region is produced, they are planted with particular precision, using elements of precision farming

The well-known farm "Diana" cultivates about 3.7 thousand hectares of land. And about 30 percent in the structure of sown areas is occupied by potatoes. Last year, 1400 hectares were allocated for it, this year - about a thousand. I would like more, besides, there are all the resources. But there is not enough space. This is also why they approach the culture of agriculture very competently, using every empty piece. Applying the most modern technologies, studying world experience, we get the expected high yields.

With the head of the farm "Diana" Vladimir Malinovsky we go around the fields where a new crop has already been planted. We slow down near one of the sections.

- Look at the slender furrows, - Vladimir Isakovich draws attention . “Such linearity is only possible through navigation. We use satellite positioning systems, which are responsible for unmanned driving of tractors. About 18 pieces of equipment are equipped with navigation.

Among the elements of the precision farming system in Diana are not only drones. The application of liquid preparations, fertilizers, sowing grain, combine harvesting... For example, an electronic tuber planting system gives accuracy. When applying drugs, each nozzle installed on the sprayer is also tied to a satellite: the solution will no longer be delivered to the same place twice. And this is smart spending.

- Firstly, we save money, and secondly, we avoid overdose. This ensures a higher purity of the product, - lists the advantages of intelligent systems in agricultural production, the head of the KFH.

To stay at the forefront, every day you need to take a step forward, they are sure in the farm. That is why market novelties are studied in detail: if there are advanced technologies that can be profitably applied at home, they are introduced. Another feature of "Diana" is the master's approach to the earth. KFH found and worked out a technology that allows planting even the most inconvenient areas - roadsides, turning lines.

- Plus, we cultivate previously unsuitable territories - swampy lands, shrubs. Yes, we are investing a lot of money, but I am sure that over the years all this will justify itself, - Vladimir Malinovsky argues as he passes by a field where there used to be a forest belt.

They are also investing in new technology. Two more will be added to the seven potato harvesters this season. It would seem that the areas are the same, why spend money on new cars? Last season, the farmer explains, was special, with the rains delaying the potato harvest. As soon as she finished, literally the next day, it was already necessary to sow wheat on the same site. To avoid this overlap, a new technique is needed.

Sowing in "Diana" began in mid-April. But preparations for it started already at the beginning of the year: careful selection of seeds, their sorting. In general, the production cycle in the peasant farm does not stop. If we consider only potatoes, after harvesting, in parallel with the laying of tubers in storage, shipment for sale takes place. The harvesting is over, the storage facilities are full, after that, the same sorting, processing and shipping of potatoes.

There are four exemplary storage facilities in Diana, capable of holding about 70,000 tons of potatoes. The new one, built last year, for 40 thousand tons is the largest in Europe, equipped with a modern microclimate system.

- To regulate the storage of potatoes, a system has been installed that allows you to maintain the ideal "weather" in automatic mode. It provides high security. Based on the storage technology, you set the required parameters, and then the system itself controls the ventilation on and off times, temperature, and air humidity. The optimal temperature for potatoes is 4-5 degrees Celsius, - Vladimir Lazurkin, head of the storage, explains the nuances.

In one section there is only one variety of one reproduction. During the laying with the agronomist direct communication. In total, 11 varieties are cultivated in Diana, among which is the popular Belarusian "breeze". Work is in full swing on the sorting line: medium-sized tubers are sorted, as well as seed material. Approximately 150 tons of potatoes pass through the line per day. In winter, during mass shipment, they also work in two shifts. During this period, 300 tons of potatoes are shipped to wholesale buyers every day. Along with the Belarusian retail chains, the main market for the Shklovsky farm is Russia. Now the number one task is to grow a good harvest and preserve it, and the buyer for the Belarusian agricultural brand is guaranteed.