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Osipovichi Regional Executive Committee
Main / News
31 March 2023

Irina Rainchik met with the activists of the youth school "leader" of chausy district

Chairman of the regional Council of Deputies Irina Rainchik met today with the activists of the youth school "Leader" Chausy district . A sightseeing tour was organized for the children with a visit to the exhibition exposition of the museum of the Mogilev Regional Executive Committee, the hall for the reception of delegations and the conference hall. Young people were introduced to the history and purpose of each of the audiences.

In the conference room, the schoolchildren were shown a video about the achievements of the Mogilev region, and after that Irina Rainchik talked to the children about the work of the regional Council of Deputies:

“Our work is based on the legislative base. And the most important document is the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus, which spells out the main directions for the development of our state. In 2022, amendments and additions were made to the Basic Law of the country, which were subsequently adopted at the republican referendum. They also touched the work of the deputy corps.

Today the 28th convocation of the regional Council of Deputies is working. All deputies were elected, according to the Constitution in force at that time, for four years. The amended Constitution contains other norms. In 2024, on a single voting day, which will be held in the country for the first time, deputies of all levels will be elected. This is a very responsible election campaign. Today, the state regulates all legal documents, including the Electoral Code, so that it takes place in an organized manner and within the framework of our legislation.”

Irina Rainchik spoke about the activities and structure of the five permanent commissions of the regional Council, about the work of the Youth Parliament, created under the Council in 2020, as well as the regional association of local Councils of Deputies, about interaction with public organizations, ongoing projects and initiatives.

“There is a lot to be said about our work. But I would like to note the main thing that the deputies of the region are a single team with executive authorities, which is aimed at the development of our region, the livelihoods of the inhabitants of our region. And the results that we presented to you today are all the result of well-coordinated teamwork,” she stressed.

The head of the deputy corps also asked the guys how they imagine the image of the deputy and his activities, and asked about the personal plans of young people, choosing a profession.

“Very much attention is paid to youth policy in our country. You know that the head of state constantly says that you are our future. And it all depends on you. How you will build your life, how you will see your goals and how purposeful you will be, depends on your personal future, and the future of our Dnieper region, our country, ”she concluded.

The first secretary of the Mogilev Regional Committee of the Belarusian Republican Youth Union Alexander Saxonov also addressed the guys :

“According to the results of the work of the youth organization in 2022, the Chaussky district became the best in the region. I am sure that this is the merit of each of those present. And I want to aim everyone at the fact that if you have even a small initiative, you should not be afraid, you need to be more active and offer, voice your thoughts. And we can help you develop them, formalize and implement them. So, from April 8 to May 8, a project of youth initiatives will be implemented, in which everyone can take part. The winner will receive financial support. This is a good opportunity to prove yourself.

From my own experience I want to say that everything is possible and everything is in your hands. It’s just that at every stage of life you need to give yourself completely to your work. Now you are students of educational institutions and you are able to study well, engage in social activities, volunteer work and remain decent people. Then the choice of a profession will follow, and who knows, perhaps in a certain number of years you will already be holding a similar event.

The leader of the Belarusian Republican Youth Union and the chairman of the Youth Parliament under the regional Council of Deputies Mikhail Pogotsky added :

“Speaking of initiatives and events, I would like to note that on April 5 Chausy district will host our representatives. We will hold a training event on the formation of initiatives into finished projects, we will show the best developments. We will meet with the winner of last year's youth initiatives from the city of Krichev. Let's talk and share experiences."

In turn, the chairman of the Chausy District Council of Deputies, Anatoly Matyulin, thanked the speakers and noted:

“At our meetings, I constantly tell the guys that they need to be active and position themselves, that each of them is a value for their family and society. Everything that the state invests today in the younger generation will return tomorrow.

And if we not only acquaint, but also involve young people in various processes related to the life of their locality, region, country, then their worldview will be holistic. Their opinion, conviction will be unshakable, they will know the interests, strengths and weaknesses of their territories, the direction of development. And nothing can undermine them, moreover, they will be able to convey their beliefs to others.

After all, who is today a deputy, an activist, a leader - this is a person who has shown himself, who is followed, whose opinion is trusted. Therefore, what young people absorb today is very important.”

Participants of the meeting also shared their impressions. Aleksey Ponomarev , an eighth-grader of secondary school No. 1 in the city of Chausy , said that he was interested in the work of the Youth Parliament and today's meeting only strengthened the desire to replenish its composition in the future: “Today we had a tour of the Mogilev Regional Executive Committee, we were impressed by both the scale of the building itself and the design of the halls for official events . I took the opportunity to stand at the podium for speeches, to sit down at the negotiating table, where important agreements are concluded. And, to be honest, I felt a very big responsibility. But I liked it".

Ilya Daletsky , a ninth-grader of secondary school No. 1 in the city of Chausy , noted that he was participating in such an event for the first time: “I liked both the tour of such a significant object and the way the communication went. You will remember the special atmosphere of the halls. I saw how serious everything was.

And although I am more of a creative person, it was interesting and informative to find out how the work of state authorities is organized.”

Anna Kiyashko , a teacher at the Osinovskaya secondary school in the Chausy district, thanked for organizing the educational event and spoke about her experience of working as part of the Youth Parliament: “Children learn from the example of adults. And such an excursion is very useful for them. They see a certain goal and there is an incentive to strive for it - study diligently, enter a university, do something good for the place where you live.

We have many initiatives from young people in our region, they are always considered and supported. Nobody stays away, nobody ignores. I am very happy to be a young parliamentarian. We discuss issues, ideas, create projects that we can implement. For example, I work in a rural school, and I direct my initiatives towards improving and creating something in this place. And I am glad that the children always willingly respond to some kind of joint work. When everything works out, you want to do more and more. It's nice that your ideas are useful, they are noticed and appreciated.

In memory of the meeting, the children were given small souvenirs.