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Osipovichi Regional Executive Committee
Main / News
29 September 2023

Lukashenko calls to put up joint front against Western sanctions

 Belarus has consistently and persistently opposed illegal restrictive measures that harm the whole world, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said as he received the credentials of foreign ambassadors in Minsk on 28 September, BelTA has learned.

Addressing the diplomats, the president stressed that the countries they represent have repeatedly experienced the effect of illegal restrictive measures by the West. Just like Belarus. "Therefore, we have consistently and persistently opposed any illegal restrictive measures that harm not so much us as the whole world," Aleksandr Lukashenko said.

The president cited a number of examples to illustrate his statement. Thus, sanctions against Belarusian potash fertilizers, agricultural products and equipment have seriously undermined the global food security, affected yields and food prices, while millions of people in the world are starving.

"I am sure that it is in our common interest to speak even louder about this problem and jointly seek the abolition of restrictions on trade, especially on vital commodities. Moreover, the answers to these challenges have already been found," the Belarusian leader said. “Now new settlement systems in national currencies are being actively formed, logistics is being rebuilt. These things are discussed in the SCO and BRICS. Everyone is tired of the U.S. control."

The president emphasized that Belarusians, despite all the difficulties and barriers created by the West, have not turned away from their path of development. The Belarusian economy is confidently back on the growth track.

Belarus is open to all people of good will. The country has waived visas for citizens of many countries. Despite Western restrictions, Belarus hosts a lot of remarkable international cultural and sports events.

All this reflects the true aspirations of our people and is, among other things, a response to those countries that mistreat migrants, tighten entry rules, create barriers, close checkpoints and threaten transport blockades, the president stressed.

According to him, in the current situation, the development of trusting and stable relations with friendly partners abroad is of particular importance for Belarus. "There are a lot of such partners around the world. You are evidence of this," the Belarusian leader said addressing the ambassadors.

The president recalled that 2023 has been declared the Year of Peace and Creation in Belarus. "I am convinced that you will be guided by these concepts in your work," he said. “I am sure that your stay here as official representatives of your states will be interesting, rich, and useful from a professional point of view. I would like to reiterate that there are no closed topics!"

Aleksandr Lukashenko promised that everything would be done in Belarus to help the foreign diplomats understand the country better, learn more of its history and culture and experience the fullness of its cordiality and hospitality. "From the bottom of my heart I wish you success in fulfilling your important and responsible mission," the head of state said at the end of the ceremony.