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Osipovichi Regional Executive Committee
Main / News
23 May 2023

More than a hundred recruits of the military unit in Pashkovo took the military oath

A solemn ritual of taking the military oath took place in the 188th Guards Engineering Brigade in Pashkovo. In this appeal for allegiance to the motherland, 119 recruits from all over the country swore allegiance.

The guests of the event saw demonstration performances, got acquainted with the territory of the unit, living conditions and life of military personnel, military equipment, weapons, special means and items of military equipment.

“For me, military service is of great importance. It represents an opportunity to serve our country and defend our values ​​and freedom. Being a soldier is not only a responsibility to society, but also a privilege to serve alongside great people who are ready to give their lives for our security, - shared the private of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus Ilya Danilov. - Military service helps to form a personality, largely determining our values, discipline and moral principles. She teaches us to work in a team, to be responsible and fair. During the service, we face various challenges and trials that help develop our endurance, determination and self-discipline.”

After taking the oath, the guys begin the real military service. Soon they will be distributed among departments. The 188th Guards Engineering Brigade, located in Pashkovo, is engaged in the construction of bridges and pontoon bridge crossings. Mobile demining teams are also deployed here. Moreover, this military unit is the only one in Belarus where military divers and sappers are trained.

“Military service contributes to the development of leadership qualities. We learn to make important decisions in difficult situations, coordinate the actions of the team and be an example for other soldiers. During the service we strive for excellence, constantly learning and developing as professionals. Being a soldier is not only a service, but also part of a large family where mutual support, trust and respect are valued. We are growing and overcoming difficulties together, forming indestructible friendly ties,” said Oleg Cherepnev, a member of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus.