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Osipovichi Regional Executive Committee
Main / News
26 July 2023

MP: Europe wants continuous war in the region

 For many years European politicians have been trying to strangle the region with a war, member of the House of Representatives Igor Khlobukin told a BelTA correspondent.

“During an operational meeting with permanent members of Russia's Security Council, the president of Russia sent a clear message to the hotheads in Poland that if a foreign soldier steps on the territory of Belarus, the response of the Union State will be tough. After all, this will mean aggression against Russia. If Polish troops appear on the territory of Western Ukraine, they will not be able to retreat, because there will be no mercy for mercenaries,” said Igor Khlobukin.

Unfriendly moves against neighbors have become a new normal for Polish politicians, the deputy believes. “Today, they are not just declaring intentions, they are already acting in an unfriendly way, suppressing all attempts and suggestions at a peaceful settlement of the situation in Ukraine and in the region as a whole. Acting under the umbrella of the United States and NATO, Poland directly interferes in public administration and military affairs of Ukraine. They are pulling out all the stops to completely destroy Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity. They understand that Russia is strong and its cause is righteous. Poland believes that the Ukrainian government will be defeated in this conflict, will lose its authority and support of the people. Therefore, Poland is going to extraordinary lengths to get hold of the eastern lands that it claims to belong to it historically. The back-up plans and maneuvers of the United States and Western countries are right on the nose. After the defeat in the armed conflict, they will try to implement the same scenarios that were used after the Second World War against the countries of the socialist camp and that led to the collapse of the USSR, Yugoslavia, the confrontation in Iraq. The United States has always used the divide and rule principle to destroy countries' sovereignty. They are well aware that the division of Ukraine can serve as a catalyst for the subsequent division of Belarus and Russia, other post-Soviet countries into small states that cannot be centers of geopolitical power in the emerging multi-polar world, he stressed.“The path that Poland has chosen is the path of stagnation and a return to the distant past. We know that the dangerous games breaking the fates of people, leading to civil war and redistribution of the balance of power in the region never end well,” he noted.

Belarus will remain committed to expanding dialogue with all interested progressive forces, international humanitarian and public organizations to overcome the crisis and establish peace in Ukraine, strengthening economic and military cooperation with Russia and China via closer integration in the Union State and the Eurasian Economic Union, Igor Khlobukin continued.

"The meeting of the Russian and Belarusian presidents in St. Petersburg on 23-24 July once again showed that it is we who bring true peace and true democracy. This is becoming more obvious and thus irritating for the unfriendly countries. European politicians do not want to become political losers, squander the power and faith of their own people who will see these politicians as traitors.Therefore, they are using every opportunity to whip up hysteria about Russia while feeding the crisis with financial resources and weapons. Thus they are trying to prolong the war in the region for many years," the MP added.

“Belarus and Russia, as brothers, friendly Slavic people, will continue to do everything possible to eradicate nationalism and fascism in the territory of post-Soviet countries. We have no other way. After all, our cause is righteous and we will stick to the positive agenda. Russia and Belarus are no longer what Western countries are used to seeing them. We are sovereign, independent and established states that know how to protect their national interests, fight destructive forces inside and on the external circuit. Thanks to the high level of allied relations, integration with Russia we can confidently move forward and counteract external challenges, threats and factors, in the interests of the citizens of Belarus and Russia, all the peoples of the post-Soviet space. We must continue to take, in alliance with Russia, necessary, binding and adequate retaliatory steps to the actions by the unfriendly countries that grossly run counter to the agreements and obligations in the field of trust and security.