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Osipovichi Regional Executive Committee
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5 July 2023

The grand final of the family agricultural project "lord of the village-2023" starts on july 7 in Gorki

The grand final of the republican family agricultural project "Lord of the Village - 2023", which has been the ideological inspirer of the Belarusian Republican Youth Union since 2009, will start in Gorki on July 7, said Veronika Gudkova, secretary of the Central Committee of the Belarusian Republican Youth Union .

“Several years ago, the final of the project received a permanent residence permit at the folk festival “Alexandria Gathers Friends”. This year was no exception. The final events with the participation of the best "Lords" - winners of the district and regional rounds of this popular competition in Belarus will be held as part of the official program of the republican holiday "Kupalye". Six families-finalists not only live, but also work in the countryside, raise children and run a subsidiary farm, - said Veronika Gudkova. - By the way, four finalists are large families. In the struggle for the title "Lord of the Village - 2023" in competitive trials, friendly, economic, creative, sports families of Sergey and Irina Shevelev from the village of Polyatichi, Kobrin district, Brest region, will meet,Nikolai and Alexandra Kudryavtsev from the village of Gorodets, Sharkovshchina district, Vitebsk region, Ilya and Anait Rebkovets from the agro-town of Syrod, Kalinkovichi district, Gomel region, Sergey and Tatyana Adamovich from the agro-town of Zhirovichi, Slonim district, Grodno region. Healthy competition during the finals will be the families of Evgeny and Olga Kalinin from the agro-town of Orekhovka, Klichevsky district, Mogilev region, and Aleksey and Alena Klim from the agro-town of Snov, Nesvizh district, Minsk region.”

According to the Secretary of the Central Committee of the Belarusian Republican Youth Union, in addition to the main competitive tests, the project program is full of a number of useful activities. “On the first day, immediately after the arrival of families in Gorki, we will hold an organizational meeting, which is very important for the rhythmic four-day well-coordinated work. The second day will delight the finalists with an excursion program. In the Dribinsky Regional Historical and Ethnographic Museum for the finalists of the competition, a master class "The Art of Shapovalstva" will be held, in the agricultural town of Parshino, Goretsky District, young families will be offered to visit the educational-scientific-practical school-farm of the educational farm of the Belarusian State Agricultural Academy, in the agro-town of Lenino - to go on excursions to Museum of the Soviet-Polish military community, in Gorki - in the Botanical Garden of the Belarusian State Agricultural Academy, ”she explained.

Veronika Gudkova stressed that the main competitive tests await the participants on July 7th. “The day of the official start of the grand final promises to be very eventful. In the Year of Peace and Creation, the finalists of the project will lay flowers at the “Grieving Mother” memorial and honor the memory of those who died during the Great Patriotic War with a moment of silence. Further events will unfold in the children's park in Gorki. The grand opening of the republican family agricultural project "Lord of the Village - 2023" will take place here, as well as the main tests. This is a presentation of a loaf on a family towel and in the national costume “Bread is the head of everything”; one of the most spectacular fiery and unusual competitions "Draniki on the deck" - cooking the national Belarusian dish in the field; competition for the most delicious and originally presented pickles "Rural pickles". Of course, the program also included the permanent competition of the project “For Firewood” - sawing firewood with a hand saw “Druzhba” on goats, chopping and storing firewood. The competition will continue on Zamkova Hill in the agricultural town of Gory. Here, young families will show each other and the jury the class during the competitive tests "Mowers" and "Kupala wreath". The program of this day will end with a picnic in nature and a dressage master class from the pupils of the Gorki youth sports school,” added the representative of the Central Committee of the Belarusian Republican Youth Union. The competition will continue on Zamkova Hill in the agricultural town of Gory. Here, young families will show each other and the jury the class during the competitive tests "Mowers" and "Kupala wreath". The program of this day will end with a picnic in nature and a dressage master class from the pupils of the Gorki youth sports school,” added the representative of the Central Committee of the Belarusian Republican Youth Union. The competition will continue on Zamkova Hill in the agricultural town of Gory. Here, young families will show each other and the jury the class during the competitive tests "Mowers" and "Kupala wreath". The program of this day will end with a picnic in nature and a dressage master class from the pupils of the Gorki youth sports school,” added the representative of the Central Committee of the Belarusian Republican Youth Union.

On the final day of the competition, young families will visit a healing spring - the Trofimov spring and the Alexandria secondary school of the Shklovsky district in the agro-town of Alexandria. Among the many locations of the republican holiday "Kupalye" there is a place of honor for the "Lord of the Village - 2023" site, which will house improvised farmsteads of the finalists (competition "Welcome to us!"), And each family presents a business card - a theatrical performance of family traditions, hobbies, favorite family hobby, type of recreation using songs, poems, dances. “Of course, we expect guests at our site. Among them will be the winners of the "Lord of the Village" project of previous years. "Lords" of different years will take part in an open dialogue "Family values ​​in the modern world",

The final of the project will be completed by the solemn ceremony of awarding the winners of the republican family agricultural project "Lord of the Village" at the site "Protector of Peace and Union Unity". Traditionally, families are invited to the gala concert "Allied Stars Visiting Alexandria" with the participation of Belarusian and Russian pop artists. Today, in the official group of the Youth Union "Belarusian Republican Youth Union of the Belarusian Republican Youth Union" in the social network "VKontakte" and in the messenger of the organization "Belarusian Republican Youth Union: live" in the Telegram channel, voting for the best video of the finalists "There is strength in unity!"

The family agricultural project "Lord of the Village - 2023" is being implemented to popularize agricultural work and life, as well as to increase the role and importance of the family as the most important social institution of society, to form a positive attitude towards traditional family values ​​among young people. The republican final is organized by the Belarusian Republican Youth Union, the Ministries of Education, Agriculture and Food, the Mogilev Regional Executive Committee.