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Osipovichi Regional Executive Committee
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11 August 2023

We spent the day with the families of the pupils of the Zubr club from Kostyukovichi Vladislav Ponkratenko and Elena Ridetskaya

family fortress

We spent the day with the families of Vladislav Ponkratenko and Elena Ridetskaya , pupils of the Zubr club from Kostyukovichi . This trip turned out to be one of the most sincere. The correspondent of Znamenka visited Kostyukovichi to spend a day with the families of our project heroes Vladislav Ponkratenko and Elena Ridetskaya, and she understood why the pupils of the Zubr military-patriotic club grew up to be so cool.

Teenage Investigator

Vladislav's parents Julia and Dmitry meet at home for tea. Mom is a geography teacher, dad works at a cement plant. Julia recalls with a smile:

- The ability to notice the smallest details in my son from childhood. I will buy a new lipstick, my husband may not pay attention, but this will not escape Vlad. As teenagers, she and her cousin climbed into an abandoned house. He returned and says: there was a cigarette butt on the floor, eggshells, which means there have been visitors recently. I was scared that something could happen. She explained that it was impossible to do this, but silently noted his analytical abilities. Then I thought that my son would make a good investigator. He has been dreaming of a profession for many years now. I can’t say that I’m unconditionally happy with this choice, it’s still a difficult and dangerous business, but I can’t forbid it either. Everyone must go their own way.

Vlad enrolled in the military-patriotic club "Zubr" in the forefront. He is a prominent guy - tall, strong, responsible. Parents were not opposed, but did not quite understand what would happen next. Dmitry Ponkratenko explains:

They thought that they would play for several months, and then they would disperse. But our fears were not justified, which we are very happy about. The media promptly cover the work of the club, sometimes it feels like we ourselves have been there. I see even external changes. These are no longer chubby guys with a photo during the taking of the oath, but mature fighters. They also hardened internally, became more mature, more independent .

There is discipline and order in the club, "bison" should be an example to other children. Dad is proud of his son

Vlad doesn't swear at all. They even offered him money, they say, say at least some swear word. And he: “No! This is the principle. I don't want it, it's ugly." The son was always very serious, our assistant. Cleaning the house, going to the grocery store, working in the garden with grandparents - please. He also has a heightened sense of justice. In the spring I saw in the store how the guy stole the chewing gum, followed him and made a remark on the way out. The sellers checked their pockets and made sure - really. The son stopped the crime, one might say, he tried himself in the profession of a law enforcement officer .

A sense of justice, a desire to help others, to protect the weak were inherited by Vladislav. For example, his great-grandfather Nikolai Glushakov is a veteran of the Great Patriotic War. In 1943, he was discharged due to a wound in the leg, which he received on the Pronya River during the well-known bloody battle. The front stood here for a long time, after the liberation of Belarus began.

After the death of Nikolai Yakovlevich, relatives found a sniper's certificate, Yulia Ponkratenko clarifies:

He didn't talk about it. And in general, when we asked about the war, he only waved it off: “Adchapisya!” We honor family history. We store clippings from the newspaper, memories of relatives are collected in a separate folder. On Victory Day, during the procession, we carry a portrait of great-grandfather. It is very important that the memory of the heroes be honored in the family, one school cannot be engaged in patriotic education.

Vlad Ponkratenko and his friends love Belarus very much, they are proud that they live here, they appreciate the peaceful sky. Everyone is supportive, and classmates even constantly ask to be photographed together.

The guy himself does not regret at all that he signed up for the Zubr:

– I like it here. Of course, travel and rehearsals take time, and sometimes you have to catch up with your studies, but this is my choice. I moved to the 11th grade, there is still a year to decide on an educational institution. But one thing is for sure: the club is my second family!

March to the dream!

With the Ridetskys we went for a walk around the Kostyukovichi. Sergey and Svetlana , as well as their children Lena and Lesha, are very fond of joint trips to nature, they always work and relax together.

The head of the family is an entrepreneur, he has a large farm: bulls, sheep, rabbits, bees. And all the household members help him on the site, while they will always find the strength to go fishing, cycling or to the stadium.

We sit down to rest at the bank where Svetlana works:

This summer, Lena was preparing to enter the cadet school, she had to pass the standards, so everyone went to training together. They also drove to Borisov in full force for exams. First, Lena had to pass a psychological selection, then she took a physical examination (and showed the best results among all candidates), then she wrote a dictation in the Belarusian language and passed an exam in mathematics. It would seem that a difficult period for a child, you need to prepare for admission, attend classes at the Zubr, help your parents around the house, but our daughter managed. I'm amazed at how she puts it all together so easily.

At the same time, there was not even a thought to dissuade from classes in the club. The Pope elaborates:

When Vasilyevich called with the question: “Lenka, will you go?”, She immediately agreed, and we were in favor. We are very proud of her! And when they first saw it in uniform, it took my breath away. The ceremony of taking the oath turned out to be very solemn - indescribable emotions. Pupils regularly arrange interesting events, various excursions. The program of classes was very intense, which we, parents, are extremely happy about. Such clubs are needed to educate young people, to acquaint them with the professions of the power bloc, to instill respect for the history of the country.

Svetlana Ridetskaya also supported her daughter's choice:

– Lena has stood up for the weak since childhood, both at school and on the street. Leave no one in trouble. I recently rescued a puppy that I found in a ditch on the way home. Came out, attached in caring hands .

She's a fighter. I personally saw at the Zubr classes how a serviceman asked who would go to bandage the “wounded”, and Lena was the first to volunteer , - I remember.

“I didn't doubt it. The daughter signed up for all circles and sections. I ask if there is enough time and energy for everything. Says yes. And this is true, if Lena wants something, she will definitely achieve it. From the fifth grade, she began to prepare for admission to the cadet school. After the seventh, she submitted documents, but one point was not enough. She did not give up the goal, she worked hard. With the advent of the Zubr, I realized that her childhood dream had not gone anywhere. Of course, every parent is worried about their child. Serving in the police or the army is a dangerous business, but I look at the situation rationally. The situation near the borders of the country is tense, if an armed conflict touches Belarus, we will all stand up for its defense. Let my daughter be able to handle weapons, provide medical care, be psychologically hardened.

As for family history, Lena Ridetskaya also has someone to be proud of. Great-grandfather Misha went through the war, reached Germany, but died there while crossing the river. Another great-grandfather Nikolai also made a significant contribution to the Victory in the ranks of the partisan detachment.

Sergei Ridetsky once served in the engineering troops. Now dad and daughter have common topics for conversation: machine guns, drill, military ranks. Soon there will be little Lesha in the topic:

- I dream of joining the Zubr and becoming a riot policeman in the future. They protect people, their homeland, real heroes. I am already learning the fighting techniques that my sister shows me. I want to try on the form, but already my own!



For me, the family is the most expensive people in which I am sure. Only they will never leave me in difficult times, they will always support me, they are always there: with all the ups and downs.


Family is my home, where I am loved and respected. Where there is support and confidence in the future. This is mutual understanding in any situation, whether you are right or not, you will always be supported.


Now 80 pupils of the military-patriotic club "Zubr" are in the agro-town of Belynkovichi in a tented summer camp. For nine days they will hone their combat, fire and physical training, do topography, learn to navigate the terrain and work with maps.

Employees of the Mogilev OMON, military personnel of military unit 6713, as well as representatives of the district department of internal affairs, the district military commissariat and employees of the culture department will help them in this.