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Osipovichi Regional Executive Committee
Main / News
9 February 2023

Post office and self-service store: renovated post office opened in Buinichi

The updated post office was solemnly opened in the agro-town of Buinichi, Mogilev region. The renovation lasted just over a month and cost, along with new technological furniture, almost 7,000 rubles.

A post office and a convenience store with self-service are housed under the same roof. A similar new format of work is called "Post-Market".

On 40 square meters, visitors can choose the necessary food and industrial goods without haste, while not delaying those who want to use the postal service. And the prices are loyal, as they say, for the people.

- We now sell bakery products, there is a wide range of groceries, - lists the head of the department Natalya Kubrakova . - In the near future, meat and dairy products will appear on the shelves. You can also buy and order appliances, household chemicals, stationery, hosiery, dishes, bedding from us.

Local resident Lydia Kozyro visits the post office regularly. Comes to receive a pension or pay utility bills:

– Postal service is the center of life for a villager, especially older people. So I really liked the new building. Convenient: no need to waste time and go to the store to buy seeds for the garden or sweets for tea.

At the same time, expanded trade does not distract employees from their core activities: subscribing, receiving and delivering mail, written correspondence and print media, delivering pensions, making money transfers, and so on.

– Of course, it is more pleasant to work in a renovated – bright, beautiful, modern – room, – specialist Anastasia Shaitorova smiles. – But most importantly, now we are working more rationally. Previously, the goods were behind our back, and in order to answer a customer’s question, to give him something, it took a certain time, which I could spend on serving other visitors. Now the person has taken the basket and walks around, chooses. He does not interfere with anyone, and no one rushes him. And the installed video surveillance helps us to keep order.

In total, there are about 400 post offices in the Mogilev region. And every year about 10 of them are updated, says the director of the Mogilev branch of RUE "Belpochta" Alexander Mikhailovich Bruchikov :

– We are transferring them to a new format of work so that the quality of service matches the time. For example, last year they opened Post Markets in Knyazhitsy and Mezhisetki, which the population really liked. As they say, everyone wins. It’s convenient for people, but for us it’s additional revenue.

The renovation of the post office in Buinichi is just one of the examples of improving living conditions in the countryside, said Alexander Alexo, Deputy Chairman of the Mogilev District Executive Committee:

“Our state is fully committed to ensuring that people live in a quality and dignified way. In particular, in 2023 in the Mogilev district we plan to carry out mass repairs of educational, healthcare and cultural institutions. We are currently landscaping and building an extension for 50 children in the Veinian kindergarten. A tender was announced for a contractor for the repair of the Kadinsky and Voskhodovsky schools.


The Buinichi post office is the largest and best in terms of service. In the zone of responsibility are the agro-towns of Buinichi and Selets with a total population of 4.8 thousand people and 108 legal entities. In addition, postmen serve 3 delivery sites. The volume of postal services is significant, more than 100 letters per day pass through one letter.

Also, the department is highly profitable: last year, the proceeds from the sale of products, goods, works, services amounted to 186 thousand rubles. The growth rate by 2021 is 113.3 percent. The total subscription circulation for print media as of January 1 was restored by 104 percent compared to the same date of the previous year.