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Osipovichi Regional Executive Committee
Main / News
21 June 2023

Reconstruction of the Cherikovskaya regional hospital will begin this year

Reconstruction of the Cherikov Central District Hospital will begin this year. This was announced by the head physician of the healthcare institution Andrey Nizovtsov.

There are 14 buildings for various purposes on the territory of the hospital, the oldest of which date back to 1889 and are classified as historical and cultural values. Due to the emergency state, 9 buildings are subject to demolition, the rest are included in the reconstruction program and will be overhauled. For example, the building where the clinic and the therapeutic department are located will be demolished.

Design estimates for the reconstruction of the district hospital will be ready by August, after which repair work will begin. It is planned that, first of all, the builders will begin to restore the medical building of the hospital, built in 1981. The work is planned to be carried out in 2023-2024. Br5 million was allocated for these purposes. This is the main building, on the basis of which practically all the provision of medical care to the residents of the district will be concentrated in the future. Demolition of emergency buildings and structures will be carried out last.

“The main building consists of two parts - three- and four-storey buildings,” said Andrey Nizovtsov. - This year, the builders will begin to reconstruct part of the building with a smaller number of storeys, and next year - a larger one. In the future, two more hospital elevators will be added to the two existing hospital elevators. Presumably, in 2 years, two buildings will be overhauled on the territory of the institution, which have the status of historical and cultural value. In one of them there is an X-ray service, in the other - a children's consultation. The renovation will also affect the ambulance building, which needs a major roof and foundation repair, although it looks good on the inside. The catering unit will also fall under the reconstruction program, it is already over 20 years old and, accordingly, updates are required.”

According to the head physician, in order to save money, part of the work will be done in an economic way - for example, it is planned to demolish emergency buildings on their own. This will help save and redistribute for other purposes about Br1.3 million.

After the reconstruction, the health care system of the district will not face significant changes - all the necessary services will remain here: a polyclinic, a women's clinic, pediatric, surgical, endoscopic and therapeutic departments, physiotherapy, and an emergency department. At the same time, the maternity ward will be closed, since its capacities are not fully utilized: only up to 120 births per year are carried out here, although conditions allow up to 300. Therefore, it was decided to send residents of the district for appropriate medical care to specialists from the regional center.

According to Andrei Nizovtsov, the reconstruction will in no way affect the volume and quality of medical care provided to the population. The work will be organized in such a way that local residents do not experience significant inconvenience. For example, even during the overhaul, a number of departments will function on site: a polyclinic, endoscopy and ultrasound, as well as therapy, physiotherapy, resuscitation and an operating unit. Patients of the pediatric and surgical services, depending on the urgency and complexity of the case, will be referred to specialists in Krichev and Mogilev. “No one will be left without help,” the head physician emphasized.

“We also plan that all the necessary equipment will be installed in the renovated hospital,” said Andrey Nizovtsov. - So, a pulmoscan for fluorography will appear in the institution, we hope to get a new ultrasound machine and, possibly, more than one. We also need sterilization and other expensive equipment. After all, today in the districts the focus is on outpatient work: it is important to diagnose the disease in time, which will also be facilitated by modern medical equipment.”

Today, the Cherikovskaya Central District Hospital serves more than 12.5 thousand children and adults, and almost 4.8 thousand are rural residents. The polyclinic is designed for 355 visits per shift, taking into account the work of the children's department and the antenatal clinic. Staffing averages 78%. In August of this year, the staff of medical workers of the district will be replenished with four young specialists with higher education and six specialists with secondary education. In particular, a neurologist, anesthesiologist, surgeon and resuscitator will come to the first workplace in the hospital.