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Osipovichi Regional Executive Committee
Main / News
28 August 2023

Record-breaking grain harvest in Koptevskaya Niva, gorki district

In this dry year, the grain growers of OAO Koptevskaya Niva harvest from the fields record-breaking threshing crops in the entire history of the existence of the agricultural enterprise. Each hectare thanked the farmers for the efforts of 44.2 centners. This is 3.2 c/ha higher than a year ago, and the second line in terms of yield in the ranking of agricultural enterprises after the variety testing station. Correspondents of Goretsky Vestnik went to the farm last Monday and found out, thanks to which it has an increase in the gross grain harvest

According to the director of OAO Koptevskaya Niva, Mikhail Sidorenko , by Tuesday, August 22, only 140 hectares of wheat remained unthreshed here. One day and the harvest ends here. Three combine harvesters (two at OJSC Plemzavod Lenino and one at OJSC Koptevskaya Niva) have been helping villagers thresh grain in their household plots since Friday.

The head of the organization is satisfied with the results of the current harvest in this unfavorable weather year: “We have never had such a rich harvest in the entire history of the agricultural enterprise. He will be the biggest. We plan to receive about 7,500 tons, which is 200 tons more than a year ago. The growth rate is 103% compared to the level of 2022. We did everything as recommended by the chairman of the regional executive committee Anatoly Isachenko. In our grain wedge structure, winter crops now occupy 95%. Winter wheat yielded from 50 to 63.5 q/ha. The grain is made with a high gluten content from 28 to 32%. The main grain-growing commandment - the state order - was fulfilled in full. We supplied the state with 2100 tons of wheat, almost all of the third food class, 300 tons of malting barley.

According to Mikhail Sidorenko, the key to rich harvests at JSC Koptevskaya Niva is compliance with three main factors - sowing time, its quality and elite seeds. As required by the governor, not lower than the first reproductions. “When you put bad grain in the ground, don’t expect a good harvest from it,” says the director. Every year, the farm purchases 100 tons of elite seeds of grain crops from the variety testing station.

Last year, such elite varieties of winter wheat as "skagen" and "garland" were "registered" on the Koptev fields, which now brought a rich harvest. These days, the farmers of Koptevskaya Niva intend to sow the entire grain wedge with winter wheat and completely abandon the cultivation of spring wheat. The head draws attention to another important success factor - the selection of fields for grain with good predecessors. Last year, sugar beets and corn began to be harvested early.

In addition, the farm pays great attention to the renewal of the machine and tractor fleet and reliably prepares the equipment for going out into the field in a timely manner so that it does not let the harvester down in the hot season. This year, we purchased a new modern Rosa unit, on which winter and spring grain wedges were fed qualitatively and in full. Combines, at the request of the chairman of the district executive committee, were put on the line of readiness in early June. The mechanics prepared them so well that there were no serious breakdowns and significant downtime due to repairs.

A rich harvest, good weather and excellent conditions for labor competition, which stimulated high productivity, contributed to the fact that all combiners and drivers of Koptevskaya Niva became thousands of harvesters. The best combine operators could earn up to 450 rubles a day. Mikhail Sidorenko gives an example: “On August 15, Vasily Shumentsov threshed 115 tons and earned 438 rubles that day. Last year, our grain growers earned 5-6 thousand rubles a month at the harvest.” He had a record day when he unloaded 122 tons from the bunker of a combine. In the labor competition, 14 grain growers of Koptevskaya Niva OJSC and Lenino Plemzavod OJSC, which is in trust management, have the opportunity, having risen to the on-farm podium, to earn according to the results harvest "bonus": combiners from 8 to 12 BV, drivers from 6 to 10 BV.

The director spares no words of gratitude for conscientious work and responsible attitude to experienced combine operators Vasily Shumentsov, Yuri Patskalev, Mikhail Makhovikov, Sergey Medvedev, Leonid Dubelev, drivers Mikhail Shumyantsev and Ivan Trifankov . The grain growers' waybills contain only excellent and good marks for the quality of harvesting, which was under the strict control of the agronomic service under the leadership of the chief agronomist Viktoria Yakusheva.

“The harvest this year is excellent,” combine harvester Sergey Medvedev shares his impressions. — The weather was favorable. There were no breakdowns. The harvest is rich. We have all the fields to look at. You drive across the field on a combine, you admire and you will not get overjoyed later when the grain is poured from the bunker into the back of the car.”

For the driver Mikhail Shumyantsev, this is the 4th harvest. This year he received the keys to a new KAMAZ truck, in the back of which 2 bunkers, or 13 tons, are placed. On a record day, he had 303 tons of grain transported from combines to the current. During the day he worked in the field, and at night he managed to make several trips to the elevator. “In line, I managed to sleep in the car. I have a specially equipped sleeping place in the cab for rest, ”said the front-line driver.

With such a record harvest, the farmers of JSC Koptevskaya Niva claim the highest step of the podium at the regional Dozhinki.