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Osipovichi Regional Executive Committee
Main / News
17 May 2023

Representatives of China and Mogilev region discussed cooperation in the fields of education and youth policy online

Two teleconferences at once with the Chinese city of Tianjin to discuss international youth cooperation and cooperation in the field of education were held today in Mogilev . Representatives of authorities, public associations, the young wing of the Communist Party of Belarus, students and working youth gathered at the site at the Mogilev State Regional Institute for the Development of Education to present their activities, exchange experiences and opinions, and outline areas for future interaction.

The participants of the online meeting were greeted by the Deputy Head of the Main Department for Ideological Work and Youth Affairs of the Mogilev Regional Executive Committee Oleg Pishchenko : “Today, the official delegation of the Mogilev Region is on a visit to Tianjin. As part of this meeting, a video conference is also held in our studio. We hope that the meeting will be as useful as possible for the development of further cooperation, and will outline new points of mutual interest.”

Also, students of Mogilev Gymnasium No. 4 addressed the representatives of Tianjin in Chinese and heard from native speakers gratitude for their worthy command of the word.

Mikhail Zhudro, the first secretary of the regional committee of the CPB, the rector of the MGOIRO, spoke about the young communists of the Mogilev region, their experience and prospects .

“Sustainable development of the state largely depends on how the strategic, economic and political courses are supported by the younger generation, its creative activity.

Work with the youth is work for the future of our party, for the prospect of our movement. Today we are designing the main directions of this work for years to come. We do not expect immediate results. It is the bet on the youth that will allow us to preserve the party and increase our glorious traditions,” he shared his opinion.

The first secretary of the regional association of the Belarusian Republican Youth Union, Alexander Saxonov , noted that the main thing in working with youth is the creation of conditions for the comprehensive development of the individual, civil and patriotic education. As an example, he cited the student brigade movement and asked about the possibility of considering the employment of students from the Mogilev region in the PRC in their free time. During the conversation, the participants of the meeting asked other interesting questions and were able to get answers, exchange views and suggestions.

At the second site at Moscow State University. A.A. Kuleshov and representatives of the Chinese side discussed cooperation in the field of education. The participants of the round table were greeted by the rector of the university Denis Duk .

“Holding this seminar is another step, our modest contribution to strengthening friendship and cooperation between the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Belarus,” he stressed. – Our university is carrying out systematic work to develop cooperation. At present, the Center of Chinese Language and Culture operates on the basis of the university, the main task of which is to develop interest in the study of the Chinese language, history, culture of China not only among students and teachers of the university, but also in the eastern region of the Republic of Belarus as a whole. The holding of this round table is a continuation of cooperation between Moscow State University named after A.A. Kuleshov and Tyanza University of Foreign Languages.

Our university is open to the implementation of joint educational projects in various fields, but, first of all, the creation of joint educational programs is of particular interest. Moscow State University named after A.A. Kuleshov is a leading university in the eastern region of the Republic of Belarus. We are proud of our 110-year history and our graduates. And above all, by the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko, who graduated from the history department of the university.

The university has accumulated rich experience in teaching students from the People's Republic of China. Especially in demand among Chinese citizens are master's specialties in the following areas: pedagogy, musical art, psychology, jurisprudence. More than 400 students from China have successfully completed their studies at our university, received diplomas and become sought-after specialists.

Igor Loshkevich, First Deputy Head of the Main Department for Education of the Regional Executive Committee, who also took part in the meeting, noted the connecting role of the education sector in the development of bilateral relations between the Mogilev and Chinese regions, strengthening the interaction between our peoples. “Paramount importance within the framework of this cooperation is given to popularization, support and expansion of opportunities for studying the Chinese and Belarusian languages ​​and cultures of our states,” he said. “The partnership between the two countries in the field of education is mutually beneficial and has serious potential for its expansion and development in the future.”

To this end, Igor Loshkevich proposed to consider the possibility of creating a regional center for the study of Chinese in the gymnasium of the city of Mstislavl, conducting lectures and practical classes online, organizing remote internships, conferences, round tables to exchange experience, competitions and other events.

Representatives of the Chinese side in their speeches noted that since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the countries, friendship and partnership have been strengthened year by year. First of all, established at the level of the leaders of the two countries. They also expressed confidence that holding online conferences within the framework of the Days of the Mogilev region in China will lay an important foundation for cooperation and make an important contribution to strengthening ties between representatives of the youth community of China and Belarus. And they emphasized that youth is the driving force behind global development and building the future of the whole world. And such round tables are an opportunity to overcome barriers in the spheres of culture, language and build bridges of interaction.