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Osipovichi Regional Executive Committee
Main / News
1 February 2023

Valery Malashka: it is important to give respect to the detailed work of the regions

The sumesnae pasyadzhenny vynіkovay kalegіі haloўnaga ўpravlennya na adukatsyі kamіsіі na pravіnі naletnih abblvykankama adbylos 30 studzeny ў Magіlev. On the basis of Magіlёўskа dziarzhаўnaga аblasnog іnstitute razvіtstsya adukatsyі podvіlі vynіkі work ў 2022 goze i abmerkavali tasks tsyakuchy pyyad. Удзел у калегіі прынялі намеснік старшыні аблвыканкама Валерый Малашка , намеснік пракурора вобласці Андрэй Волкаў , начальнік аддзела пракуратуры вобласці Святлана Кашнерава , дзяржаўны інспектар камітэта дзяржкантролю вобласці Алег Новікаў , старшыня абласной арганізацыі Беларускага прафсаюза работнікаў адукацыі і навукі Людміла Старасціна. А таксама члены камісіі па справах непаўналетніх Магаблвыканкама, намеснікі старшынь гаррайвыканкамаў і мясцовых адміністрацый, якія курыруюць пытанні сацыяльнай сферы, начальнікі структурных падраздзяленняў гаррайвыканкамаў і мясцовых адміністрацый, якія ажыццяўляюць дзяржаўна-ўладныя паўнамоцтвы ў сферы адукацыі, намеснікі старшынь камісій па справах бюджэтных арганізацый, кіраўнікі ўстаноў academy of the region.

Andrey Zablotsky, the head of the legal department of the academy and ablvykankama , the sphere has been doing well for the past year - all the pragmatic pakazchyks have been dug out, in your eyes on the programs of the development of academia, the young palate, and yakіy were old. The dzeynasts organ ў kіravannya i ўstanouў аdukatsyі was nakiravana on the higher yakstsі аdukatsyі, zahvanne yae dаstupnastsі, zaspyachenny nezpechenny nezpechenny minds akukatsyynaga pratsesu pra effektўnim vykarystannі іsnuyuchyh resursаў.

“Dastatkova nyadrenna acted and ў alіmpіdіdny rhu, occupied tretsya agulnakomandna ў ў republic. At the national and international levels, 12 diplomas were won at various competitions for professional mastery of World skills. Taxama 4 of the uznagarody was brought from international alimpiyads on physics and chemistry”, - unfolded.

Speaking about the plans for the next year, Andrey Zablotsky padkresli: “This year we have a very serious and ambitious task: the repair of 21 educational installations - for this project to finance finance from the republican budget Br2 70,000,000 For the year, 26.7 percentage points of expenditure on the budget of the region were accrued on the financing of the Adukatsyya Galina, which is higher than the level of 2021 by 0.6 percentage points. In 2023, 29.3% is planned for the financing of Galina (2.6% higher than in 2022).

Akramya getaga, near Magileve, Asipovichakh and Babruisk, plans are planned for a few days of life, a school campus and a school day. Pa sheragu ab'ektaў planuetstsa overhaul, rekanstruktsy. Let's sip on a summer camp and 1st anniversary of learning agulnaya syarednyy adukatsy. Galina develops and plans for 2023 are aimed at paspakhova azhytsyavits”.

So, in the framework of the implementation of the Investment Program of the Magilouskaya Oblast for 2023-2025, the poor Godze Planets Planeutz Predvestzi Raandrastsya z Budahanizvam Japsi and Budynka DziChaga Sada And yashche adnaquaternaga zhyloga at home for syam'i, like vykhoўvae zyatse-orphans and dzyatsey, yakіya found themselves without father's apeka, near Babruisk.

In 2022, 33 school buses were delivered to the school bus fleet for the transport of teachers from rural meat for the Magilouskaya region in 2022. In 2023, plans are on the 38th.

In the words of the head of the galoўnaga ўpravlennya na adukatsyі ablvykankam, the key role of ў pharmaceutics and the system of adukatsyі advodzitsa qualified personnel. Educational establishments in the field are staffed by pedagogical staff and graduate students. Sonnya 82.8 Pratsent of pedagogical workers in the field can get the highest education. The level of their qualifications is high - 71.5 teachers in the highest, first qualification category, 32 teachers in the field may be in the category of "nastavnik-metadist". The most high diesel fuel of such teachers was taken in Bykhausk - 82.9 pracents, Krasnapolsk - 82.5 pracents, Khotsimsk - 82.0 pracents and Kruglyansk - 80.3 pracents regions.

In 2022, 425 young specialists were recruited to work in educational institutions in the field, who studied at pedagogical specialties. 30% of the graduates of the atrymaly took their first practical month in the establishments of the academy, mixed with the rural meat. Naziraetstsa becoming the dynamics of the pakazchyk zamatsavannya of young teachers on the first pracial months. The scholarship for the graduates of 2020 is 67.8 percent for the graduates of the year (paid for the past years by 1.8 percent). The maximum level of 100% of the pay is given to the Glusky, Krasnapolsky and Khotsimsky districts.

From the beginning of the academic year, the rules of pedagogical workers were approved, the school standards were spread out. These documents are called abavyazkovymi for ўsіh uzelnіkaў adukatsyynaga pracesu: teachers, nauchentsаў and іх batskoў. So, from the 1st of September 2023, the school uniform will be changed. Serious changes were known and the system of graduation and graduation tests and the establishment of the highest academy. May will have pravodzіtstsa 2 abavyazkovy centralized exams: May 14 - on the Belarusian and Russian language (pas navuchentsa elections), May 21 - on the praadmece on the choice. The rehearsal of the rightful day of the Central Economic Commission on the scale of the republic was held on the 28th of student.

“At the Magilevsky region, she received almost 6,000 graduates. In all 24 points of the CE assignment, everything was spacoin and organized, - Andrey Zablotsky, the expert. Dzetsi and teachers in real minds were saved, like a geta budze adbyvatsa, in your face, from the streets of arganist momants. Mustache, that the level of storage is pasіlny for leather and it is lighter for the tasks of the 5th level of storage, which are assigned to the DH. There was no panic, there were no teachers;

Kamentsiruyuchy speeches of lecturers, Valeriy Malashka padkreslіў, in order to achieve pastoral tasks and further development of the sphere of education, it is important to pay attention to the detailed work of the regions. For a getaga, it is not necessary to practice the agul form of the organization's trials. Your face has the assible honor of the Narmatians planning. Hell getaga liege agulny vynіk.

Dachshund taxation on the calendar is appropriate for the representatives of the prosecutor's office of Magilevsky in the region and the committee on the right of non-parliamentary abmerkavali trying to practice the legal profession of the right parushennya.

The vynіkova kalegiya of the doctoral cyrymonіya was closed to recognize the best workers of the sphere for shmatgadovy pratsa and asabisty ўtreasure of the learned and vyhavanne of the fallowing torment.