Chairman of the Osipovichi District Executive Committee
Dear friends!
Osipovichy district is one of the largest industrial centers of the Mogilev region, the country's most important transport hub.
Acceptance of applications from citizens and legal entities from 8.00
Belarus-Russia relations described as strategic, friendly, important
3 February 2023
What problems did a family from the Klimovichi district face when they received a social apartment?
2 February 2023
Belarus, Russia to discuss horizons of digital reality at conference in Moscow
Valery Malashka: it is important to give respect to the detailed work of the regions
1 February 2023
Belarus, India to hold videoconference on export, investment opportunities in Belarus
Campaign "Padara Expanat Museum" launched in Krychava
31 January 2023
Kochanova: Belarusian People's Congress will take key decisions in critical time
More than 2 thousand participants gathered the patriotic marathon "Roads of the Native land" in the Mogilev region
30 January 2023
National Bank reveals what helped bolster Belarus' forex reserves in 2022
"All the humanities: Philologists and Historians". We met a teacher for whom the profession is a family tradition
27 January 2023
Economy minister urges local authorities to elaborate investment plans
The winners of the international competition in memory of the writer Konstantin Simonov were awarded in Mogilev
26 January 2023
Belarus ratifies agreement with Tajikistan on mutual trade promotion
Widespread use of domestic covid-19 vaccine planned to start in Belarus in 2024
25 January 2023
Minister: Closer cooperation between industries and science in Belarus amid sanctions
Be an example and pride, or why Bobruisk schoolchildren want to go to the ministry of emergency situations
24 January 2023
Opinion: Integration programs show benefits of closer cooperation between Belarus, Russia
Representatives of the youth parliament of the Osipovichi district visited the academy of public administration under the president
23 January 2023
Belarus-China cooperation vibrant despite difficult international situation
Useful pastries from white lupine: a new variety was bred by bsaa scientists together with Russians
20 January 2023